[This page to be updated. It will have a description of the services and packaging options of those services that Maverisk will provide.]
Jurgen is a positive contrarian, inspirator, loosen-upper and teacher, coach. In the guise of an advisor, manager, consultant and researcher in the areas of enterprise (risk) governance, operations and information risk management, information security, integrated security, information and IT management, and IS audit.
Social intelligence is what matters, with deep analysis, (self-)critical thought, helicopter views, principle-based rules in which control is based on ethics not pennywise detail. To think first, but don’t forget to act next.
See the Blog for some pointers on current thinking.
Jurgen’s latest large business was with a most international organisation. Now, Jurgen operates as as independant consultant on interim/contract basis with a preference for assignments running anywhere from a couple of weeks (typically, brainstorm-coaching, advisory, audit and investigative work) to six-nine months (advisory and consulting / implementation coaching),
Or, as a loyal employee with an interesting organisation and room for the basic work plus also the advisory and relations management parts. International opportunities (5-20% travel) welcome..!
Specialties: See above. Really.