Why not Necker ..?

[Surprise in the (business) heart of Paris La Défense]

With all the hype about BYOD and the New Way of Working, flexible work place etc. having died down almost to zero, why are we still in offices ..? Why aren’t we all (…?) more like @richardbranson also for our working lives?
We certainly had the time to build a suitable infrastructure where there was none, if only under the guise (as it often is) of helping development (to the ideal level of material-only development that we have ..!?). I mean, cheap or free fast WiFi on any and all tropical beaches. Then, we could al have moved there and live a re-engineered happy life.

Oh, and we would have had to change the way we organise, and manage and control, work. Just a detail. The question seems to be: Why haven’t we?

Probably because of massive societal (level) fear of the Unknown. No, not fear of losing control, that’s just part, and one side, of it. We fear the loss of our warm, established social environment more than the gains of a warm, physically beneficial environment. Even if the gains are larger than the losses (that may be partial or replaced, in this case), fear drives more than hope (risk aversity).

Which may be overcome by the individual, by the minority that does venture out of the cave (see some earlier blog entry). But there, one might fear being the single odd one out, losing before gains could be had. Hm.
Or we could consciously take it step by step, starting with actual telework, videoconferencing etc. not immediately on a massive scale, just one by one (huh) or in small organisational communities. We need more of these dust grains in a supercritical fluid!
And at the same time, organise work better, bottom-up, in a sea of temporary collections of independent professionals banding together for a common goal (and with respective gains distributions) and then dissolving once the job’s done (project over, even if the project lasts decades like even blue chips are on average gone in half a century), to new ventures elsewhere.

Will we return (?) to a world where work is no longer life’s almost-single purpose but is maybe something bothersome just to earn the money to buy breathing space all the way down and up Maslow’s pyramid, and is something that caters to the higher levels of that so that all talent is expressed and rewarded ..? Looks like a ‘first world problem’ — hence one that can be solved!

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord