Simply, stats

Just putting it down there.

With some discussion, OK, OK…:

  • Fubbuck still the largest, “of course”, but by less of a margin than previous (?);
  • Because FB ‘messenger’ oh horrendous thing, is listed separately. Prob with reason. At least, because reasons;
  • QQ and QZone still biggies, to grow ..!?
  • Tumblr’s big this time. Let’s dig for demographics, et al., to see whether some specific user group is biasing stats. The age-old subject that the Internet was invented and invaded for, may be a big one in this;
  • LinkedIn larger than Pinterest. A #first ..? And not by much. Cause? Sturdy growth, hanging in there, holding out and succeeding by others falling back; or has some take(n)-over played a role here …?
  • Insta quite big but maybe not living up to the hype (or what’s its growth), Snapchat rather flat. Is Millennialhyping a thing from the past already ..?


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