51%-attacking democracy

Suddenly, the similarities dawned on me, between latter-day ‘democratic’ governments and the blockchain’s 51%-attack ideas.

  • A 51%-attack on a blockchain is that when (not if) one controls 51% (as in: a majority) of the votes needed to ‘certifiy’ a certain transaction on the blockchain, you basically have captured Truth decisions and can change transactions at will, because you will agree with yourself (51% of votes have it) that your alterations are valid.
    If you need more info on how blockchain (voting) works: here.
  • A 51% attack on democracy would be where some party/potentate is able to coax a majority of voters, or rather of their representatives, into believing that their well is best served by following the Leader. This will protect the Leader from recourse against the (indicative for all) morally and ethically utterly unjust, fraudulent, unconstitutional and like decisions (in absentio or not), acts and speech acts (including flat-out lying, bullying, threats et al.), and goat trailing through just and equitable law (where they should be the penultimate protectors of that!), since no-one is able to stop him (not her, in general; exceptions apply). All the things a proper government (morale) and constitutional structure should systemically protect against. The ones to stop him, best serve themselves by not protesting; they profit. And they can’t be replaced quickly since that would require them to (majority)vote against themselves and even then. And in due time, the loss of systemic protection will be written into law. Look around the world; through the explosion of near-timefree communications, the bug has spread at record pace, on all continents.

Yes, that is the definition of mob rule. In the former case, at least a true majority (though probably commandeered by a handful) might benefit. In the latter, the voters are ousted of their constitutional powers to correct. I.e., democracy isn’t anymore, dictatorship remains.

Not many. Revolution (in its post-1789 understanding*) is one. But not a structural solution as such, only making room for a possible one – what comes after?
* Since before, it was the natural turn of events over the centuries that were recognised to be the wheel of fortune turning over types of governments as well. Democracy being (one of?) the most decrepid form of organising societies, remember?
And pointing out to the compliant accomplices that their benefits are all too temporal and they’re just pawns, e.g., by pointing to this (title) and explaining that it may not be their children but they themselves at whim’s notice, but these are too stupid (no less derogatory word needed) to understand.

It’s more the inherent flaw of democracy, as decried by all men (sic) of mind that considered it, throughout (the ages of) humanity. We’re back at ☐ one. When even the most thoughtful spirits of mankind haven’t been able to solve this, what can we do?
Apart from studying Bruce’s latest (at time of this writing), at least. Book review of this, here above (in Dutch).
And what solutions do blockchain thinkers have against 51%-attacks? We might learn.

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord