Fuzzy Vocabulary (Cross-)Boundaries

When discussing Risk … There will always at some stage turn up a discussion (or multiple, if you’re Lucky; not) about the meaning of certain key words. Which is a pity, because … no, not because it distracts. Though it does, the main issue is that the secondary, meta, discussion about vocabularies is never / … Continue reading “Fuzzy Vocabulary (Cross-)Boundaries”

Risk Chagrins

It’s just a matter of Karma… As long as ‘risk’ ‘managers’ deal with negativity (admit it; focusing on the negative is even written into quite a number of definitions involved ..!), they’ll become the sourpusses they want to see all around (remember, the “passing back risk management to the ‘first’ line” ..?), and according to … Continue reading “Risk Chagrins”


[Terug naar de hoofdpagina] Iets meer over mijn ‘vakhobbies’, behoudens wat daarover behoudens… ondergenoemde links allemaal reeds op m’n blog stond: (Kwantitatief Operational) Risk met natuurlijk een stevige -Managementcomponent; over wat Doug Hubbard (hier en hier) te berde bracht, aangevuld met deze, deze en deze bij voorbeeld. Voorbeelden te over… Denken vanuit strategisch perspectief: welke … Continue reading “Vakkig”

Starreveld in the Information Age (industry)

@deKokPieter or others (or just one of his interns; grad work?) may have to help me out with yet another crazy (not (?)) idea of mine: There was (is?) this great theoretic of accountancy called Starreveld, with his value cycle typology for, literally, every kind of industry and on close reading, even sub-industry. Given that … Continue reading “Starreveld in the Information Age (industry)”

Book by Quote: Smarter Than You. Think.

Yet another ‘Book By Quote’ then. A full of … wisdom one again, for once. An attempt to subjectively summarise a book by the quotes I found worthwhile to mark, to remember. Be aware that the quotes as such, aren’t a real unbiased ‘objective’ summary; most often I heartily advise to read the book yourself. … Continue reading “Book by Quote: Smarter Than You. Think.”

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord