Mo’nay part II

What if all those bizarre apps / functionality that provide all sorts of payment services, are all attempts, in vain, to restore some functionality that cash had-has ..?

Because all those micropayment stuff, is used mostly if at all for payments in close physical proximity (or just take the effort to… afraid of human closeness are you ..!?) that just cash money was perfect for.
And now we have a chaos of new apps and banking app functionality that solves all those payment problems that you didn’t realise you seriously had and don’t want to clutter over the edge your phones with, in a garbled attempt to fix what we seem to almost have lost, multiple apps per one issue re-solved with much less quality at a time. By, mostly, banks or splinters that will (ahead-of-time absolute fact) fall into the hands of banks, trying to capture your life – all of your value exchanges which for them, is your life but certainly is your panopticon.

Or just admit the great nonsense of it all, Not all that is, and works perfectly, needs disruption. If you think that, no wonder you try (everything) to get your hands on some.

Toyn not to bee

Anyone else have a problem with Toynbee (this, and Vol II), re the very start of own blindness on the delusion of (misplaced, duh) stature of grandness coupled with a serious lack(ing) of definitions, categories, etc. which is mixed with a host of hidden assumptions that turn out to be the conclusions (surprise!) and their own proof ..? Yes it’s all as jumbled as that sentence.
Despite some interesting analysis, this all leads to a lot of meat pies in the skies.

But, then, as one reads on and consideres both the underdeveloped scietificity of the trade at time of writing (Is it still? Isn’t it Always, when looking back decades?) and the literary aspects, there’s quite some insights to be gaied from (re-)reading te full works. Would like your pointers to secondary literature in which the analyses are taken forward to be applied to our end-of-old- and start-of-new-millennium society/ies, and what follows.

[Now that is true grandeur, at twilight (or beyond); London]

Too late, or not

So, today marks the 100 work days from 25-5-2018 mark. Not counting the umpteen bank and other holidays.
Wich means that

  • You’re (with) a large company: Not sorry to inform you; your GDPR program will fail. Per the above deadline, you will not have achieved enough. By far, not enough. Some plans, at most, and some paperwork. But not the end resulting detail minimum-level of data architecture, let alone pervasive improvements in set-up and management of actual, concrete, infosec. Reports notwithstanding, those are hyperfuzzy window dressing anyway.
  • You’re with an SME. Congratulations; when you start now, you can achieve compliance in time, without much stress. Since your environment is so properly tuned to the size of your business, all the above categories of work, can be done in quite limited time frames. But do start soon!
  • You’re in between. You’ll have some of the upside, but mostly the downsides of the above.

Gimme back the budget

What happens to the budget when some self-styled government authority flat-out refuses to carry out (part of) its assigned and entrusted [well…] task ..?
Withdraw, you would say, for at least the part that she (sic) got budget for and says to spend on that. If not the whole Board is to be fired for misconduct and insubordinance.

Of course, not in NL …

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord