Publi(li)us, in series; part II

OK, the second part of a series, on quotes of the guy that went from Publius to Publilius Syrus in a century, after having been forgotten [Oh! How unduly! How unfortunate! Hence this series] for a century or fifteen. As they’re handily numbered already and in fitting English (not too modern i.e. simplified, dumbed down), but quite a few may be enhanced by some frills of mine, I’ll take mine from an 1856 translation:

171. What happens to one man may happen to all.
So you’re never above another, also certainly not when the other experiences misfortune.
Also: If something can happen to one, there’s no safeguard against it happening to you, too.

178. The gain acquired at the expense of reputation, should be counted a loss.
That’s for the bonus grabbers.

185. While we often stop to think, we miss our opportunity.
186. Deliberation should be protracted, when the decision is to be final.

There’s a fine line between these contradicting and being insightful. Go look / think for it.

191. Whatever you can lose, you should reckon of no account.
Just a word for the (wanting to be) wise. Don’t attach.

196. Turn a deaf ear to calumnious reports.
Indeed. Calm down.

199. Reflect on every thing you hear, but believe only on proof.
Encouraging Close Reading and deconstructivist analysis of motives.

216. There is no need of spurs when the horse is running away.
So, in the flat interpretation, don’t overfund start-ups that look like going somewhere. In the deeper interpretation, don’t throw money at everything that moves.

221. An inglorious life is the next thing to death.
Live like there is no tomorrow, as there may not be. Don’t miser until death.

223. The party to which the rabble belongs is ever the worst.
Eternal. Certainly today. Everywhere.

237. Even when there is no law, there is conscience.
There you go, you totalitarian bureauc-rats! Conscience should prevail, not procedure.

239. Pecuniary gains first suggested to men to make Fortune a goddess.
In its truthfulness, (only) a step towards seeing the folly of reverence to those accidentally, most temporarily favoured by her.

242. The wise man corrects his own error by observing those of others.
Indeed, there’s no use to fail repeatedly to learn a little, as modern Disruptionists would have it. That’s just stupid.

254. Many consult their reputation, but few their conscience.
And then, reputation … bestowed, worthy?

To close it all off, for now!
[In similar vein]

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