Local jargon

… Suddenly it struck me. In my usual rants against ‘governance’ as in many of my earlier blog posts, the non-existent airheaded formalities that stand in the way of real, not the deflated style of management, I forgot one piece:
The phrase makes sense only in (totalitarian [here I go again], calcifying) bureaucracies. There, the shuffling of empty labels has replaced actual management and ‘governance’ may be used as a placeholder (as said: empty, otherwise the label doesn’t apply fully) for the ‘management’ pastiche that is expected. Outside of those dinosaur organisations (heh, see this), no-one has any need, or place, or (need for) understanding of ‘governance’ and anything sycophanting towards it, will fail to achieve anything close to a positive contribution (though negative contributions, in stifle, overhead, disturbance of good business, may be wide spread). See a business/organisation dabbling in ‘governance’ babble, and you see failure ahead.

I’ll leave it there for you. With:
[For no apparent reason, a whopping crazy car park; Amsterdam]

Ringtones on deaf ears

[Abridged repost; relevant again]
There seems to have been an explosion of (news over) ~mojis lately. Like, the past half year has seen a proliferation of subsets and niceties that, as a phenomenon, spell the end of interest in messaging.

As the phenomenon (not this which is great in any absolute measure) is so very much the same as we saw with ringtones
Arrrg! Yes indeed they spelled the end of the introductory phase of mobiles. The more it became a fad to have some peculiar ‘tone, the more one exposed oneself as a somewhat (?) pathetic Laggard, not quite knowing yet how to have and treat a phone as perfectly normal tool without having to brag how great one was for having one in the first place.

Can you see the same with messaging? If not, you may be the one that actually paid for the nicest ringtone you disabled in shame for not getting any but negative recognition after a couple of days again.

So, … next up in this series: How “Like us on Facebook” went the same way in the 2nd half of 2015, latest… And:
[Siegfried& not quite]

How to Not Authentic

Oh how Ecce Homo it is … In the search for authenticity, exposing one’s pathetically empty on that subject. Of course, referring to this here column on the desperation of searching the real deal — that straight away exposes itself as not the thing by definition through having to search for it.
But then, probably part of the still-bearded class. Too young (mentally) to know what real retro is (about), only just too old to envy One D…

Wryly smiling … And:
[If you know where / what that is: The actually authentic… (?)]

Ebow to lower prices, up the sharing ec

OK, here we have these two trends:

  • Ebay still being around (although slowly, coming under attack from entrants; check your feeds if you’d have missed that) but when people get tired, they bid lower and lower, when at the same time sellers want decent prices or retract and retreat. A fair market may not exist after all – or it is the minute details that turn out to count.
  • The sharing economy is growing, steadily.

So, the two may go together. One doesn’t get enough on Eb and rather give it away, resulting in less traders and trades on Eb closing the circle. Not a virtuous one. But would anyone care ..? And, data please!

For those in the kno:
[Art. My own. [Mostly unedited indoor phone pic]]

Ringtones on deaf ears

Must … resist … being … too … negative …
There seems to have been an explosion of ~mojis lately. Like, the past half year has seen a proliferation of subsets and niceties that, as a phenomenon, spell the end of interest in messaging.

As the phenomenon (not this which is great in any absolute measure) is so very much the same as we saw with ringtones
Arrrg! Yes indeed they spelled the end of the introductory phase of mobiles. The more it became a fad to have some peculiar ‘tone, the more one exposed oneself as a somewhat (?) pathetic Laggard, not quite knowing yet how to have and treat a phone as perfectly normal tool without having to brag how great one was for having one in the first place.

Can you see the same with messaging? If not, you may be the one that actually paid for the nicest ringtone you disabled in shame for not getting any but negative recognition after a couple of days again.

So, … next up in this series: How “Like us on Facebook” went the same way in the 2nd half of 2015, latest… And:
[Siegfried& not quite]

The Holidays

The (…) holidays are all around us. Except maybe in that North-American corner where the 5% of world population holds out that don’t celebrate (any) of that.
How nice would it be if the rest would hold an indefinite holiday, I mean over the Cyber! Cyber! Cyber! barfing that goes around ever more it seems, lately (being the last couple of months in particular). Despite #ditchcyber so clearly being preferable.

In similar vein, please explain:
[Believed not to be photoshopped but who can be sure ..?]


Hm, wanted for once (huh?) to not be negative, deriding but …

This here piece calls for comment. Like: Instating a quality seal for products that should be considered well-matured, almost outdated tiny point solutions; isn’t that overly stale2 ..?

Because quality seals are issued for … procedural justice of the petrifying kind. And, AV – isn’t that almost the model for grossly-insufficient-in-and-on-themselves point solutions that have no field of development/progress left ..?

Oh well, not much use kicking a dead horse.
Other than the Dakota arguments… thus turning this into a sort of Golden Oldie Pic Of The Day:
Dakota-Wisdom-Dead-Horse-Strategy-2[Source: Scott Wagner; no ‘automatic’ endorsement.]

Steve and Tim went up the hill…

Aren’t recent developments around, through, by the brand just an amusing (?) sign of the times – the times being the same as ever: A (single?) sinus wave (or multiple smaller ones, stacked on a larger one (bigger wavelength and amplitude); wavelets sales) –, as in this piece and this one ..?

As the latter quotes: “This is not [irrelevant reference to a musicological drama; ed.], and should instead be remembered primarily as a monumental blunder by the tech industry.”
to which:

But the details aside, why didn’t many enough see this coming? Why did anyone expect continued excellence from any company, in particular one so hyped, so turned into a dangerous cult already ..? Whereas so far, every co has demonstrated to have a serious Best Before / use By / Sell By issue. Except the rare exceptions, noted for the exceptionality.
As in:

Adn also don’t forget these twelve wineries… Yes some are so common and/or famed still that you wouldn’t think they’d be so old and still be in the same line of business… [Thanks Wine Turtle for the post]

So, the expectance that something(s; probably multiple, of varying error sizes and (distinct) impacts) might go wrong in any near future, would have had to be raised already, and rise still further. Note that through fuzzy logic, this isn’t offset I think by lowered probabilities of doing things well…! This is just how fuzzy (business) logic works, sometimes…
[Edited to add: And then we find this… Strangely not built into the corp system]

So, Steve and Tim went up the hill to have their little fun, then Tim forgot by taking the blue pill and now…

DSCN2435[What a once great name … Reims. Yeah, look it up, I’m not going to spell it out for you]

Errrm, how to brick your car/office…

Though it was inevitable, this has arrived. The FourSixteen. Details and official pics here.
Which is of course all good; especially for the trickle down from the insane yet moneyed (re: the price tag) – note that I don’t mention ‘wealthy’ as that would refer to cultural development or common ethics and decency, that anyone seriously looking into this vehicle wouldn’t have – to the shop workers and onwards.

But in these Maker times … How would one go about modding one’s Prius ..? And how would one call a less-than-successful job at that? Bricking your ride..?

Anyway, totally (un)related, I’ll leave you with your mobile office:
[Yes it does have an office work bench for you. And wifi, once you plug in (??) a router]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord