All clear(ed) for ‘corns

Just a musing, along with some stories relating to the IPOing of ‘unicorns’ quod non that seems to have picked up recently – are the last ones of a generation cashing out, or is it a true longer-term sine wave thing, or what?
The musing being, that many reasons can be given. Like here. But Sinister Me had a hunch there could also be something in play somehow that relates to most tech (and other) giants’ ability to dodge taxes everywhere, and with any new huge-from-the-word-go fund, somehow new tax evasion opportunities open up for wily investors. Like in diversifying the portfolio, similar to holding a diversified portfolio of loss compensation vehicles.
Anyone can shed a light on this ..?


[Once were expats working for Big Oil here, now …; Westpuntbaai Curaçao]

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