In the race to get everyone and your grandmother (but in particular, ‘youth’) to code as that would be the new literacy, this here piece arrived quite in time.
In which Chris Granger explains that modelling the world around us (and taking it in), is the new literacy. [Read the article; it’s a full stretch more intricate than that actually.]
Right. With a number of sideline qualifications. But I don’t have the time right now to elucidate… They’re in the order of “But then, calculus and basic reading skills are required to understand the world and be able to deal with it. So it’s not that the old forms of literacy will go away (on the contrary; dismal education globally (sic) should be repaired, in particular numeracy) but they will be augmented. This will require a massive, huge! upgrade of about all teachers at all levels – which will not happen anytime soon. And programming skills are only the basics one needs to be able to analyse, model, and design the world around us, much like + and – are required to understand one’s income – assuming one has or needs money to live – or even money, or society’s functioning.
Let alone understand culture. Isn’t culture what is being transferred in Education ..?”
And so on. But as said, time limits… See this, too. Hence:
[Baltimore is old. ?]