Education Isn’t (will not only be…) MOOCs

Just finished the scheme of Nov 6th, now this… Nice fill-in of at least a little of the ‘Edu’ subject… Though I wrote about this before. See e.g., these posts.

For the rest, I’ll leave you with the original.

Old mass education

Everyone under 18, and anyone 18 and older, needs a massive re-schooling in all things new.
Yes that includes the savants that can hack (99,9% of which is just script kiddies, more on that below), and it includes those that may be slow learners due to age.

But first, a picture:
DSCN9832[Pfanner, Lucca]

The subjects to mass re-school for:

  • Programming of all sorts. Not just CSS/HTML. Also, perl/PHP, SQL, C, Prolog, etc. Etc. Etc. From fundamentals (yes indeed) all the way to slick quasi-savvy app programming. To know what’s under the hood, to be able to work in the field, at all ages to one’s level.
    Oh, and let’s not forget all would need to know how to configure a network, and how to secure it.
  • Design, that is such an important part of Making things these days.
  • IoT and 3D printing (see the previous ones coming together?), for the future; to be able to navigate and play an active role. Otherwise, masses get isolated and out of anything resembling jobs. If you can’t operate in tomorrow’s society, if you can’t do anything worth a living wage, you’ll be cast out.
  • Ethics and sociology, in particular re privacy, the coming Singularity, and World problems like global warming, waste and environmental destruction, and resource depletion. Whether by Augmented Humanity or full humanity oblivion, the future comes to us too fast to first see and then adjust. All now present may NOT defer this to others. You ARE all the others like never before.
  • And all that we know already. All science, humanities, etc. Because schooling has lowered its standards so much. Having more and more (%) in ever ‘higher’ education but teaching less and less. Overall, isn’t coping with society and its complexity the sum total aggregated goal of education ..? Where society has become so much more complex than it was; exponential growth in this one, too has not been dealt with in Ed, on the contrary. Re-creating a plebs. Of all shapes and sizes, including moneyed plebs. The latter seem to rule… I’ll come back to this issue, later. Book by Quote’s pending…

Hey, it’s just a matter of survival beyond mere bare physical needs, for the very near future of all.

And, how to educate all ..?

  • Through gaming, of course
  • Through non-gaming rote learning all the essentials as well. Otherwise, you’ll fail miserably in practice when reality somehow doesn’t quite conform the game show. Which it won’t for decades to come. And no, shallow learning will not work; if only because it’s not learning at all.
  • Through gaining reality experience, of course in the course(s). As application is everything also re turning ratio learning into experience and control.
  • Through in-depth specialisations, to all sorts of levels and breaths. As almost all (except the very, very few script/kit builders) of today’s hackers are script kiddies and the ‘markets’ in that area continue to develop, some knowledge and experience may actually get lost! No, the ‘net does not ‘save’ everything; information production is just too large every day for the storage available globally…
  • All this delivered in traditional classrooms, mixed with MOOCs, mixed with interactive self-learning in class or at home or elsewhere. Which means teachers will have to be re-schooled too, if only because a too large share of them already are backward, too lowly educated (in content) laggerds. As in: VTuIPMt

What a task for society. But if ignored, the amount of ignorance will just be too big for the world to handle. Your comments, please.

Ever more learning to go around

In various discussions in my trade, and in general public, there seems to be a point of gravity around insufficiency of latter-day education. The troubles are many, but they fall into several distinct categories:

[Spoiler: the true point of this entry is somewhere near the bottom…]

  1. Children know way too little; much knowledge is lost. No, this is not about the simple learning of facts – it is already quite clear that that Nick Carr’s Shallows, shallow brains, have taken root and may only be undone by a big swing towards renewed rote memorization and a wholesale write-off of current generations. It is more about culture, the effects of too much freedom in education. Be aware that I tend to think that a great many children would be much happier (as adults, too) and society would benefit in a big, very big way if children were allowed to develop (start developing) their non-sports skills into Excellence much earlier than now. On the condition that general education of all sorts of subjects is maintained at quite a level too. We don’t want savants that in the end fail to make the genius grade and end up with nothing else. Conclusion/result/solution/requisite to make this possible: see below.
  2. School-leavers aren’t ready for any type of job available, if any are available. They’re too inexperienced, but also they know too little to understand the most basic, core things of how organizations operate. This complaint is of all times, yes. Solutions have been tried, but have run out of their time. Military or social service, socialist or bureaucratic (there is a distinction between those two, overlooked by those that don’t gauge the depth of the notions behind those simplifying labels!) in its nature, have worked here and there, but were unsustainable because of free riders (fire them for their lack of character!) and moreover because of lack of economic egalisation – rewards for services delivered, education and experience gained, [hi there useful Oxford comma] and societal gains haven’t been calculated, estimated or explicitly transferred hence remained too little visible. This can be solved by reinstating social service requirements on youth – but that wouldn’t necessarily go down well with any economically developed society where individualism has raged. Conclusion/result/solution/requisite to make this better: internships, plus see below.
  3. There’s so many variation within any profession and at all experience levels that education can only deliver base levels of professionals. More differentiated high-level education is required. But that would splinter course programs and may very well tie many too many young still direction- and destination-seeking students into studies and careers that they in the end are disappointed with. With, due to specialization, too little way out; all the places elsewhere have been taken by maybe a little bit less experienced, but better specialized, others. Conclusion/result/solution/requisite to make this better: see below.

What is causing all of this ..? My take is that education as a system is lagging more than ever the increases in complexity of society/societies. Way back in time, when times were slower, societal development could be caught up with through education in relatively sufficiently short time. New generations could be trained, in whatever way, mostly by training on or near the job. But the exponential speed-up of society’s business, and society’s complexity!, over the past centuries, has meant that the developments have become so quick and so unclear as to the one solution to catch all to cater for well-rounded members of society through education, that ever more feel they (individually and as a group) are lost, not able to improve themselves easily enough to cope with the new world order.
A peasant was a peasant, and only the extremely rare exception would ‘escape’. In times when a lord would look down on a peasant for the lack of education, but would regard the peasant as less of a lesser human being than generally assumed. The lord knew well his existence relied on peasants for food, and the purpose of his lordship (and not the purpose of his individual person) was to govern. Excesses apart, all could settle in their place and destiny, and needed not too much education because of this simpleness of society. That has changed…

To educate new generations today to be able to cope with the enormous complexity of society when they have grown up, may hence take much more education, in breath and in depth, than current day education systems allow. All the compulsory subjects that are stripped away at too low levels already (humanities, math, science) due to too low exit levels being allowed and due to too early specialization (without allowing savants to jump ahead in their specific curiosities of choice), should be taught to all at higher levels throughout.
It is sad or a privilege, but current-day youth may need to attend school much longer to be ready to function in society…!

To be able to arrange for all the variety of students that will be around (including some that may want to broaden their horizon, switch specializations or just out of hobby interest want to keep on educating themselves, at various levels of experience and seniority), course structures may have to be changed. In particular, packaging of education should be reconsidered. E.g., in accountancy, not all certified accountants need to know each and every petty IFRS rule by heart as it may have no relevance to their daily job at all during all of their career. Better offer modules!
But this should be doable, in particular with the use of technology (MOOCs et al; blended methods) – and with other parties (both private and public sector organizations) more aware and involved and transparent to allow to learn from the sideline how they operate. To ready the next generations better for their roles.

Comments invited.

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord