Wired / Tired / Expired, June 2014 edition

[A mixed bag but me know nothing, I’m from Barcelona Madrid]

So, here’s the June edition of my Wired / Tired / Expired jargon watch overviews, a mixed bag:

#ditchcyber APTs Cyber! Cyber! Cyberthis, cyberthat, cybereverywhere
Most certainly, this is still W.
Maybe shouldn’t have been. But is.
They were meant to be here to stay.
So they do.
There’s even an interesting popular song about this!
Mind-controlled bionics / Sensors (tie) IoT / Wearables Weaponised drones / Drones for deliveries
Once these get sorted out, we’re all doomed. Because we’ll not prep our society in advance of quick enough. Fact, from history.
After this, Fukuyama will be right after all.
All talk, no full-scope delivery. Laggerd panic, these ones.
White asparagus Green asparagus Noma
The ultimate, from the Aragon to Holland reach. Underestimated, neglected, by those who don’t know the product well enough. Not ‘the’ asparagus. Just the typical second choice. Eat your own ants. Exposure of decadence.
Drought in CA CO weed LGBT =
After the tiny snow pack, drought throughout CA and neighbouring states. See the panic. Dude, relax! Done deal, mellow! Equality spreading, overdue, now an unstoppable avalanche. Hence E.
BnpzKOsCMAAQYBm NAkjglc h626FCB52
In its lens- and other forms. Yes there’s innovation in there …! As Coin, still under W, though Overused

OK, any suggestions for next month’s edition ..?

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