No Yo (~ Carpe Diem)

Well Hello! has anyone seen an app this stupid lately ..? Yoyoyo!
Looks a bit like:
[Dutchies read this review; star rating appropriate: (Parool review)]

Or remember the I Am Rich app:

Altogether, this sort of thing is for the yolo generation, that had forgotten how hip it is to not know one’s Carpe Diem – right! Same expression, same content. Sort of, not; the original at least had the idea to let you make most of life, not to get you out of the gene pool ASAP as per these awards that have been around since the inception of the ‘Net …
[Updated to add: Yo themselves can’t seem to grasp their own irony, as in this article…]

Wired / tired / expired

[A building. What parti; what intention, does it work ..?]

I really wish Wired mag would bring back its wired/ tired/ expired jargon watch. Online, of course.

We need it. Online, all sorts of things may be kept in a sort-of Gartner hype cycle tally, too. For the things, memes, and apps, that persist or not, for the ones that fade away (‘dynamic tombstone’?), for posterity. And to prevent ugly words from becoming Word of the Year or so.

Or should we do it ourselves? I’ll give it a shot. Will have to dig into the format, layout, rules, starting base.
Any ideas about a categorisation in Hot / Sloth / Not ..?

See you in 2014!

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord