
Hey why are so many using PICNIC instead of the age-old PEBKAC ..? No, I’m not complaining ‘because’ old, nor on the ‘ …, got the T-shirt’ route. Just would want to know. Is it that the latter is too difficult to remember the meaning of ..? If so: Sad for its Shallows calibre. If otherwise: Please advise.

Well then…:
[Trismegistus’ view on things. Obvious where.]

Human / Not

Of course Cerf is right. But also … is the opposite side; human error would be harmless (save the Almost part) when vulnerabilities wouldn’t be attacked. As long as they exist, they will. And human error will exist; that’s just the way our genes, and memes, and all of Nature, play it out. The instability of Nature (here and here!) means evolution happens, works. On the Changing-environment- and on the trial-through-error sides.

Hence, you’re still where you started. Still pursuing max fault-freedom but sure to not achieve it. I.e., in danger — the Condition Humaine since the dawn of Time (on that in a PhD thesis, some other time) and dismissing Hegelian progress fantasies, forever.

Well then, to leave in a positive tone:
[No time ?? for R&R; outside Siena]

Overwhelmed by ‘friendly’ engineers

The rage seems to be with chat bots, lately. Haven’t met any, but that may only be me — not being interesting enough to be overwhelmed by their calls.
Which will happen, in particular to those in society that have less than perfect resistance against the various modes of telesales and other forms of social engineering (for phishing and other nefarious purposes) already. Including all sorts of otherwise-possibly-bright-and-genius-intelligent-but (??)-having-washed-up-in-InfoSec-for-lack-of-genuine-societal-intelligence types like us. But these being the ones of all stripes that ‘we’ need to protect, rather than the ones apparently already so heavily loaded that they can spare the dime for development of such hyper-scaling ultra-travelling foot-in-the-door salesmen. Is this the end stage, where none have a clue as to which precious little interaction is still actually human-to-human, and the rest may be discarded ..?

As for the latter … It raises the question of Why, in communications as a human endeavor… Quite a thought.

But for the time being, you’re hosed, anti-phishing-through-social-engineeringwise.

Just sayin’. Plus:
[Retreat, a.k.a. Run to the hills / Run for your life; but meant positively! Monte Olivieto Maggiore near Siena]

Last night a … saved me (updated)

Just a repost, as due to some obvious glitch, the below didn’t get the chart storming air play it deserves (hence, it must’ve been a glitch).
[To the music of Indeep — somewhat outdated lyrics but what style …]

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Cause I was sittin’ there screen of death’d bored to death
And in just one breath he chatted said

You gotta reboot get up
You gotta reload get on
You gotta restore get down girl
You know you drive me #DIV/0! crazy baby
You’ve got me turning to another OS man
Called you on the VOIP phone

No one’s pinging back home
Baby why ya leave me all >dev/null alone
And if it wasn’t for the endless GitHub surfing music
I don’t know what I’d do

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life from a broken pipe heart
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life with a patch song

You know I hopped into my notepad car
Didn’t need to leave the coffee shop get very far no
Because I had you on my stash of data-breached X-rated pics mind
Why only give you a ticket and secretly close it immediately be so unkind?

You’ve got your hapless users women all around
All around this AD town, boy
But I was trapped in the SLA from hell love with you
And I didn’t know what to do
But when I turned on my RTFManual radio
I found out all I needed to key in know
Run the diagnostics kit Check it out

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life from a broken pipe heart
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life with a patch song

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life from a broken pipe heart
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life with a patch song

Hey listen up to your local information risk / security management professional
You better hear what he’s got to type so fast you can’t keep track say
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix
And if your crappy ol’ XP machine man gives you trouble
Just you step away from the keyboard move out on the double
And you don’t let it trouble your ‘brain’ brain
Cause away goes PEBKAC troubles
Down the drain
I said away goes PEBKAC troubles
Down the drain

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix

Quite an improvement indeedp … And leaving you with, of course a new pic:

[Old and new in one pic … Haut K again]

Plusquote: Critique of the Pure Reasonlessness

This episode, by reference to the excellent Future Crimes (Marc Goodman, as here), one originally by G.K. Chersterton (The Blue Cross):

The criminal is the creative artist; the detective only the critic

To which we would want to add: And the auditor, only the disgruntled desk-bound traffic cop.
Since, the checker (and penaliser) of the trivial petty little rules, should remain in the third line, right ..?

Where by the way, the creativity of the artist is required to make the art work that sells — and hence all make their living off straightforward crime or would perish. The more you bureaucratise into totalitarianism, the more you see life wither, till death. Even if the crime keeps on being perpetrated — by laxity of the second and particularly third lines, in cahoots with the profiteers. … Maybe that’s a bit deep-but-overly-lapidary …
Hence, just:
[Panopticon Central, Strassbourg]

The ‘Bucks logo, again

The @Starbucks logo once again, in an unsuspected place. Like, this:
[Haut Koenigsbourg castle indeed, in the Alsace]

Begging for some explanation. Why here, in/on a 190x rebuild of a medieval (origin) castle in the middle of (Western) Europe, no Norse sailor in sight? As previously mentioned, there’s more to it than some simple explanation. Hopefully.
E.g., any History grad student interested to write a thesis on this? Said coffee house might be found willing to provide a stipend …? ;-|

For this one’s exact location:
Bucks at Haut K
[I.e., in the very inner courtyard, where no Norseman ever arrived (back in the day)]

After last (mentioned, linked) post, the answer was inconclusive unless 50-50 is a conclusion… Let’s hope for better, this time…

Big Data as a sin

Not just any sin, the Original one. Eating from the ultimate source of Knowledge that Big, Totalitarian, All-Thinkable Data is, in the ideal (quod non).
We WEIRDS (White, Educated, Industrialised, Rich Democratic people), a.k.a. Westeners, know what that leads to. Forever we will toil on spurious correlations…


Hoog op Flut!

Kan de gezamenlijke restaurantwereld in NL nou eens ophouden met die nonsens van “Hoog Op Smaak” en gewoon toegeven dat er door iedere gang een AKZO-jaaromzet zout gaat omdat de ingrediënten zó goedkoop moesten dat er geen enkele smaak aan zat ..?

[Edited to add: Nog erger als koks gaan beweren niet zo veel zout toe te voegen maar de smaak ‘umami’ maken. Een emmer MSG erbij gooien bedoelen ze dan. De betekenis en vertaling van ‘umami’ was tot voor kort ‘van alles veel’. Toch vreemd, dat we sinds de Romeinen vissaus kennen, vol van ‘umami’-glutamaten en afgeleiden, maar dat we nooit een woord ervoor hadden, of het als smaak bestempelden. Maar ja, het tikt vele receptoren aan hè? Dus het kan geen variant zijn van een van de vier basissmaken ..? Net als marsepein een aparte smaak is tenslotte, want naast heel veel zoet zit er ook een klein beetje andere smaak bij dus zoet op zich is marsepein niet ..?? Iemand een uitleg waar ‘basis’ voor staat in basissmaken ..?
En dat zout en ‘umami’ zo’n beetje hetzelfde effect hebben … Inderdaad, ze hebben beide het effect van smaakkoppoetsing door papillenactivering. Nou en?
Door met wat er al stond; lees aldaar dus MSG als :]
Heel triest om te zien dat ook vele ‘sterren’koks et al., zich er zo consequent aan bezondigen. Goede ingrediënten hebben geen volle Dode Zee / chemiefabriek (!) nodig om smaakvol te zijn. Die sterren zijn ze echt niet waard. Tot nu toe slechts zegge 1 (schrijve: één) (ja ik weet het, zucht) Michelin-ster tegengekomen (i.e., geproefd) die de ster ook echt waard was. De rest (t/m 3*!): Nee hoor; effectbejag met een over de hele dichtgepletterde poging tot ‘umami’ door alle eigenheid aan smaak van de ingrediënten weg te poetsen met 3651 vrachtwagenladingen natriumchloride. Waar waren die sterren ook alweer voor? Toch niet alleen om ze als zodanig te voelen, waar de zon nooit schijnt, na beschikbaarstelling aan de keurmeesters van die bandenleverancier? Want het keukenproduct … oh zo vaak middelmatig, zeer middelmatig.
Dit soort proletarische vervoosde degeneratie-decadentie staat natuurlijk naast natuurlijk een flink aantal niet-sterrententen die het begrepen hebben ‘maar daardoor geen ster halen’. Die gewoon weten hoe je de kwaliteit van ingrediënten kan halen zonder die te vernietigen, door te beginnen met goede ingrediënten en die geen geweld aan te doen. Als de (on)geachte cliëntèle dat niet proeft: Pech. Move over. Ga maar naar de Schotse keten, daar pep je de boel maar op met ketchup en mayo. Dá’s pas smaak, toch …!?

Zout kan je er niet uit halen, wel erin als je aan tafel zo nodig moet laten blijken te grof te zijn voor finesse.

Enfin, zo kan ik nog wel doorgaan. Rest, voor nu:
[Sombertjes; hoog daarboven, op de schouders/berg, een ruïne, beneden rest een zoete kledder (gemiddeld); Ribeauvillé]

Last night a … saved me (updated)

As @swiftonsecurity (and of course @meneer of #ditchcyber fame) and others may improve since the rhythm is only almost perfect, already this:

[To the music but outdated lyrics of Indeep — but what style
 (Hey @ESCIA is that you with the mic ..?)]

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Cause I was sittin’ there screen of death’d bored to death
And in just one breath he chatted said

You gotta reboot get up
You gotta reload get on
You gotta restore get down girl
You know you drive me #DIV/0! crazy baby
You’ve got me turning to another OS man
Called you on the VOIP phone

No one’s pinging back home
Baby why ya leave me all >dev/null alone
And if it wasn’t for the endless GitHub surfing music
I don’t know what I’d do

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life from a broken pipe heart
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life with a patch song

You know I hopped into my notepad car
Didn’t need to leave the coffee shop get very far no
Because I had you on my stash of data-breached X-rated pics mind
Why only give you a ticket and secretly close it immediately be so unkind?

You’ve got your hapless users women all around
All around this AD town, boy
But I was trapped in the SLA from hell love with you
And I didn’t know what to do
But when I turned on my RTFManual radio
I found out all I needed to key in know
Run the diagnostics kit Check it out

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life from a broken pipe heart
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life with a patch song

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life from a broken pipe heart
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life with a patch song

Hey listen up to your local information risk / security management professional
You better hear what he’s got to type so fast you can’t keep track say
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix
And if your crappy ol’ XP machine man gives you trouble
Just you step away from the keyboard move out on the double
And you don’t let it trouble your ‘brain’ brain
Cause away goes PEBKAC troubles
Down the drain
I said away goes PEBKAC troubles
Down the drain

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix

Last night an information risk / security management professional saved my desktop PC life
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix
There’s not a problem that I can’t fix
Cause I can do it in the rogue exploit suite mix

Quite an improvement indeedp … And leaving you with, of course:

You must, you mustn’t

Strange. The last couple of weeks, months, have seen a resurgence of “Anything that is not explicitly forbidden, is allowed.
Which was, well, true in only the most devolved, twisted (pejorative sense) means/ends ethics and morals discussions. And still is. But suddenly, there’s a new angle: All that aren’t involved in the spoils of such tactics (not being rich enough to have used Panama Paper style constructions, even when not aware as such vulgar ‘money’ things had been handled by sycophant minions (of mind, certainly)), want the overthrow of the said sad sentence, by including that all that is permitted, should not be done when (not if) the moral higher ground would forbid it, still.

I can agree. Being in the category of … well mostly having first-world problems and not (much) more. But then again, it strikes me as odd that somehow, we don’t have good handles to straighten out the wicked ones — bar revolution. Because our legal system doesn’t seem to be as strict as it once was; forbidding all that was not allowed for a proper functioning of society. There have been changes to society… Where theft is still impermissible if of physical stuff, but in many ways is perfectly good to go when by failure to act, like many 1%ers. Though Aristoteles (Ethica Nicomachea; read the damn thing!) rightly would frown upon such dimwittedness but there.
So, actually, law would have to change but hasn’t. The very ones to be controlled by it, of course, are the first through the escape vents. And, Pikettyan or Elysium style, might prevent catching up categorically.

We could discuss on and on. But prevalent is: Now what ..? So, for the time being:
[‘Coloured in, otherwise too bleak your future is’; The Hague]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord