Publi(li)us, in series; part I

OK, as the first part of a series, possibly, on quotes of the guy that went from Publius to Publilius Syrus in a century, after having been forgotten [Oh! How unduly! How unfortunate! Hence this series] for a century or fifteen. As they’re handily numbered already and in fitting English (not too modern i.e. simplified, dumbed down), but quite a few may be enhanced by some frills of mine, I’ll take mine from an 1856 translation:

4. To dispute with a drunkard is to debate with an empty house.
I guess this one’s all about current-day 1%’ers, being drunk with their luck [yes, pure luck]

7. To do two things is to do neither.
In these apps-days of multitasking (quod non), who needs to explain the validity of this?

8. A hasty judgement is a first step to a recantation.
We’ll see many like these in the following series. Where even Syrus will sometimes seemingly (sic) contradict himself. But; True, remember the IBM motto.

14. Bitter for a free man is the bondage of debt.
Whereas originally, this regarded the bondage (serfdom, not slavery) that debtors might have fallen into, we all recognise the bondage of mortgages in particular on the free of mind (that jump jobs too often). Is there much difference? [No of course since I make the connection here…]

17. Every one excels in something in which another fails.
… But we’d want to see this more clearly in these times of jobless growth. Truly, all should find their own corner of Ricardon comparative advantage ..?

38. The loss which is unknown is no loss at all.
Just there, for the accountancy jokes – the known loss is perfectly OK for an auditor as it only needs to be journalised correctly and hey presto no problemo. And the loss unknown isn’t, at all, similar to a double secret.

46. We all seek to (know whether we shall) be rich; but no one asks whether he shall be good.
An interesting switch of we to he, and parenthesis mine! ;-|

60. Art avails nothing, when chance determines the issue.
Ah, there’s one for careful analysis and thinking through. What is art for, what can it achieve? And when art is meant to read as proficiency (diminishing much of the philosophical interest here), the answer is only slightly moderating; being: Skewing chance in your favour. Clearly.

64. If you can not become a harper, become a piper.
Which I interpret as: If you’re not called to the highest of abstract stations (still apt to provide diversion of even higher-minded higher-ups), then hone your craft at simpler, but much more satisfying trades for hugely larger (but simpler) crowds. No use in pursuing the impossible. [Therefore, this blog is for you …!]

65. When Gold argues the case, eloquence is impotent.
Don’t get me started on impotence and you. But do read that eloquence, of which having the right arguments is only a tiny but fundamental element, should be the decisive factor. Ah, as Cicero said “One should weigh the arguments, not count them.” but gold being so heavy, it tilts all balances.

67. Concert of action renders slight aid efficient.
I don’t read this as an invite for Free Riders as you might but as a support for swarm-like organisation(s) – this really should become available in English.

71. No amount of gain satifies Avarice.
Close to canonical, biblical, and as valid. In what way would society have a right to enforce the Ten Commandments ..?

76. A well-planned project often turns out ill.
Obvious to all 6B inhabitants of this planet, less the public/private civil servants that are enthousiastic about planning that takes the wrong ends of hope and analysis paralysis.

83. No one but a knave or a fool thinks a good deed thrown away.
“Do well and don’t look back.” Dutch proverb, after Luke 9:26. Should be part of any culture… Seriously; only those moneyed without culture, would look back i.e., want to derive wordly status from their good deeds if any and/or want direct return (as in: donating to culture in stead of to the really needy). What knaves they show themselves to be. And they are undeserving according to:

88. He who can not give, should not receive.
As there’s no valor in that man. Also demonstrated through the following:

91. He who boast of a favor bestowed, would like it back again.
But deserves, be worthy of, none of it.

104. A good reputation, even in darkness, keeps on shining.
The bling of the poser, is dulled even in sunlight. [own addition]

106. Money is worth something when good sense disburses it.
Ah, corrolary to 83, 88, and 91 above. So, be wise and intelligent, and give prudently.

111. A slothful enjoyment of it, is the worst part of prosperity.
This is a conclusion that needs no reasoning …

126. There is no sight in the eye, when the mind does not gaze.
How far-sighted (no pun intended) to see from 50BC the errors of current-day “big data analysis”.

135. The danger despised is the first to reach us.
An omen for ‘risk managers’ that tend to underweight ‘risks’ that haven’t materialised yet.

146. Consult your conscience, rather than public opinion.
Where political representatives and populism should diverge but too seldomly do.

To close it all off, for now!
[Afternoon tea at the Palm Court, Park Plaza NY of course; slightly crowded for Mother’s Day, simple phone pic]

Fun / stagnation

About the difference between boring and Inspirational! in business.

Old New
Process, procedures, work steps Request for direction
Compliance Demonstrating failure; to learn
Punishment for (anyone’s! esp. higher-ups’) failures Coaching towards more errors
Stepping out of line (even by casual remarks hinting at less than 100% drone motivation) is failure Pivoting (even for your contribution) is near-mandatory
Succes is obedience to the gallows Success is coming up with / doing the hitherto infeasible, unthinkable
The ones exploiting drones (licking up / kicking down) and (only) best versed at sticking to their chair, are promoted Promotion? We don’t do rank and file here; we like your creative more or less
You’re fired – just because you’re a number that turned up in the lottery – that’s held every couple of months because bosses are bored and utterly incapable of coming up with anything revenue-increasing i.s.o. cutting costs and shrinking is growing, right? Even when the shrinking cuts out exactly the very growth-enhancing competences you need ever more desparate. You’re allowed to pursue a career elsewhere, too but we don’t want to lose you. What can we do to make you like it even more here?
“(The ‘innovator’s dilemma’ is that ‘doing the right thing is the wrong thing.’) As Christensen saw it, the problem was the velocity of history, and it wasn’t so much a problem as a missed opportunity, like a plane that takes off without you, except that you didn’t even know there was a plane, and had wandered onto the airfield, which you thought was a meadow, and the plane ran you over during takeoff.” (as here; very instructive) The same.
Fade to grey “I’m Cool”

Some solution to your (future) joblessness

You may have noticed I tended towards the dystopian side regarding Singularity things and by-definition jobless growth (or slowdown, or anything), as in this and the posts linked therein.
Possibly, you’re in the category aiming for:
[Wingspread house; good living by FLlW at Racine, WI]

I didn’t discuss time frames.
Though I’m not optimistic about those, either.
But at least, there’s some info that may lull the frightened back into sleep, and help the agile, willing, wanting, forward:
[Plucked from … some socmed post]

Study … and keep in mind: This is for the very (happy) few that have a big head start; are at a quite stellar developmental level already.

Critical management, not governance

Ah, there’s another authoritative source with a description how leadership and (‘actual’) management should be.
I.e., not the robotic, stupid (when one would be offended, consider this a. reflecting your own insecurity out of gut feeling that it describes you, b. intended, c. still being the most lapidary labelling) totalitarian-bureaucratic ‘governance’ type of ‘control’ (quod non, and this) but actual effective, results-achieving teaming. Like what firms originally were invented for.

OK, just resting my case again. Plus:
[Some parading, but in operation, stealthy over pomp; Baltimore]

Gininflation ..!?

The title not referring to a rise in consumption of some derivative beverage (jenever being the real deal of course!), but a conflation of Gini and inflation.

Because it just won’t leave my mind that some form of inequality (change) index might be derived from a clever combination of regular inflation rates (the real ones, not the pure phantasies ponied up by governments!) with both the Gini income and wealth indices. As this would amplify that inflation may hit classes that can hardly avoid it harder, and classes that wouldn’t care much, less. Or the other way around. Or so. Driving out money supply through capturing where the hoarding of that new money takes place.
Finally exposing the spiraling inflation in the Euro zone, too, that officially didn’t exist after Doomsday struck (Feb 2002) but all but the most foolhardy delusional (bordering on ? utter incompetence) knew and know better. Coinciding with the mortgage / derivatives bubbles.

But it takes some careful crafting to combine inflation (which one?) with Gini (which one?). Where my skills in the area are a bit rusty. Anyone ..?
[No razor sharp banking saved Toronto]

Not even bread

Juvenalis was correct. But isn’t anymore.

People do still care for bread, and circuses, but the latter-day economy slowly degrades to only provide the latter. As in: The 0,1% (yes indeed, the next-0,9% is under threat as well) that consists of a handful of behind-the-scene creeps (as defined by Jaron Lanier) and a less than handful of Universe-scale lucky start-ups, run the economy, ‘jobs’, of the 5% petty work-slaves that are the ‘new’ generations of app developers and ‘disruptors’ (quod non) – let to play and claim some fame, until play time (circus) is over and the 0,1% reels in the money buckets. Never mind that income of the petty, was dismally low (“you shouldn’t want to earn, but grow..!”, right?). Never mind that this structure leads to no money buckets remaining anymore in the end. Never mind that the circuses lead to just about everyone believing they have a shot at fame – with enough ackonwledgement of history and historical facts, they would see that a. chances are so slim to none, very, very close to none; b. levelling would benefit hugely many more, and quicker, and would make all things more robust leaving time for actually gratifying societal actions.

As there’s a huge middle class of just-slightly-less-überhip to not-hip-at-all people that would want to work for bread – but either can’t find anything other than stale ever simpler jobs in stale ever more brittle companies (no circus shows at all) as long as the latter last (ever shorter) for ever less bread, or are pushed into Etsy Arcadia where barter and trade will not suffice to pay your mortgage for a long time if ever. Yes the latter is more fulfilling than comfortable (?? not.) numbness, but when (not if) leading to starvation of lower Maslow levels, will achieve much less accomplishment of higher M levels by default. And that’s still how we all roll… [In the Western world]

So… is there a middle ground, for the 94,9% in the middle when the middle ground they held, vanished and not much appeared yet ..? The ‘hope’is of course that the 0,1% will either tumble long before the Singularity, or the Singularity will overtake them…

OK, will lighten up…:
[Ávila, to keep the hordes out of the lush gardens ..?]

Hot beards

OK, just to remind you that this actually is 2015, not 2014 or 2013 even, and the weather is getting quite warm up here on the Northern hemisphere. So … remember to check this out and weep for all those still not understanding… and remain stuck in the prepubescent stage whereas the mature of mind and spirit have already moved way forward and have reverted to baby faces.

Or, read this… Yes what a U-turn… but the maturity argument still goes.

For the real that skipped the kindergarten hype altogether:
[Gran. via, Madrid]

A rough drive to success

How is it that there are so many paths to success – and not all of them involve heroism, drive, luck over misfortune, etc. …?

Because, for one, we may diss the simply very lucky (by birthplace, geo/socially) that have to do nothing in particular and just drift up, often floating up by lack of weight, not even realising, not grasping the concepts of being so lucky as the only factor(set) and that not being one’s own achievement.
And consider the averagely lucky that work hard and purposefully, and succeed. Praise them, but somehow we all (sic) expect them to be successful (or they ‘fail‘ …!? A single stroke of bad luck isn’t ‘failure’!).

But I’m putting this down out of respect for people like here, having overcome more than the very most of us would stand and still be decent.

Anyway; enjoy (someone else’s good fortune; are you above slimy creep enough to be able to?), and:
[Not All Saints. However …]


We already had the CGEIT title certification. Which is pronounced in Dutch as ‘See goat’.
Now let’s add CSX. Pronounced by all as ‘See sex’.

Oh jolly! One is ignorant, XOR one is prepubescent.
Either way, #fail – big time. Let alone for content. This, if you’re still a believer.

You still deserve?
[To be in your stroller; Nancy city park]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord