Business Model Down

DSCN2931[Deventer for zero relation with the following]

Although probably hardly still the core money maker for Big G, collecting search data for may fall back maybe significantly in the near future. Since, e.g., when did you last search for something specific enough that patterns may emerge from it..? Wasn’t it just point-and-shoot search-phrase-for-single-answer work that you did, if at all because you entered full URLs anyway ..?

Unless you’re of course part of the hoi polloi that delivers such low ultimate revenue to advertisers that it’s not worth it just return to mass marketing and don’t need Big G data specifics for that.

{Edited to add:]
… Ah, so that’s why said company is moving so swiftly into AI…

Wired / tired / expired

[A building. What parti; what intention, does it work ..?]

I really wish Wired mag would bring back its wired/ tired/ expired jargon watch. Online, of course.

We need it. Online, all sorts of things may be kept in a sort-of Gartner hype cycle tally, too. For the things, memes, and apps, that persist or not, for the ones that fade away (‘dynamic tombstone’?), for posterity. And to prevent ugly words from becoming Word of the Year or so.

Or should we do it ourselves? I’ll give it a shot. Will have to dig into the format, layout, rules, starting base.
Any ideas about a categorisation in Hot / Sloth / Not ..?

See you in 2014!

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord