Middle secretaries

Two points to make: * Middle management will be. * Secretaries should be. The discussion regarding middle managers being superfluous or not had a slight uptick the past couple of months. With the latter voice having been a bit too quiet. Yes, middle management is under threat. It has always been; only the (history-)ignorant will … Continue reading “Middle secretaries”

Glee because of support

All the mavericks of the world rejoice (and Maverisk among them, of course, already); finally there’s new [howzat for a typifying contradictio..?] evidence-of-sorts that the below that had popped into my mind a couple of days ago, is still, more, valid than ever. Being, related but in an angled/vector-transposed way, not about rebels but about … Continue readingGlee because of support”

Span (out) of Control

How is it that for a long time we were used to managerial spans of control being in the 5‑to‑10, optimal (sic) 8 range, whereas what we had in the past couple of decades so often was spans of control in the 2‑3 range ..? [Duh, exceptions and successful organizations aside…] Because I came across … Continue reading “Span (out) of Control”

Hegelian Hybris

A short post for All, and for None. Whether you like it, or not. If you got the reference (*sigh*; here, for the outitiated)    you may read on Else    #include <complex.h> Endif Where there’s a line from the Classics, the pre-Socrates ones and later literary additions (like these, and this one and this one, and … Continue reading “Hegelian Hybris”

Book by Quote: Olietankers en Speedboten

In Dutch, yet another ‘Book By Quote’ then. A full of … ‘marvelous content’ one again. An attempt to subjectively summarise a book by the quotes I found worthwhile to mark, to remember. Be aware that the quotes as such, aren’t a real unbiased ‘objective’ summary; most often I heartily advise to read the book … Continue reading “Book by Quote: Olietankers en Speedboten”

Intermission: 80s – 20s

Well, well, we we at it again. An On The Job assessment of recruiting-HR. If you wondered: It didn’t go well – for the also present possible/prospective chief [hereafter: chief] with a somewhat-urgent vacancy. The following may read as accusative to the feeble-hearted reader, but is not meant to be other than an ironic display; … Continue reading “Intermission: 80s – 20s”

Your CEO wants concrete examples …

What happens when your CEO wants concrete examples of a risk you mention: He’s (less often, she’s!) the “don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions” kind of guy. Run. He doesn’t even understand his own role as the chief Leader. Just signing off on the preferred solution is for a middle, rather middling, manager [pejorative … Continue reading “Your CEO wants concrete examples …”

The battle: Fairness contra ‘GDPR’

Recently, there appears to be a bit of a hubbub about the fairness that would not be in AI systems’ outcomes. I know I know that’s a vast understatement, and a major branch of professional (~ ethics) development in the AI arena in general. To which the venerable (heh) Jad Nohra added this: A simple … Continue reading “The battle: Fairness contra ‘GDPR’”

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord