Poor bungler has no Scandinavian example to make his point

Gerald jeered in dinner discussion
August 19, 2016 by Karen Mikkelsbergen

Gerald Waterson badly lost a series of discussions with his friends last Thursday. The 36yr (old) county clerk of Decatur, IL, didn’t have a Scandinavian example for any point he wanted to make.

During dinner, Gerald proposed e.g., that social security could not continue in its current form with the lax immigration policies, that a fully sustainable energy supply were feasible, that only college grads should be allowed to teach at high schools, that longer prison terms don’t increase general security and that tomato is a vegetable.

“Those were interesting proposals,” Dean Farmour (35) remembers. “We were honestly interested to have ourselves convinced. His arguments however were lacking every time again. Gerald only had a huge stack of scientific reports at hand and a slew of scientific theories. But he did not have one single example from Scandinavia. Not one!”

Megan Drimble (36) too, was disappointed by the defective argumentation of Geralds vision. “If you’re so sure that longer prison terms don’t work, then you’d better have something more than just fifty years of data from a number of countries. I’d like to have data from just one Finnish province, please!”

Megan herself successfully defended that the hunt for moose would need to be deregulated in Georgia: “Isn’t it crazy that the state legislature doesn’t just allow it? In Sweden, the moose hunt accounts for the prevention of many traffic casualties and of serious damage to forests.”

Gerald now knows what to do. “I always thought that I had studied sufficiently on any subject I thought to know but I was jeered at for that. Next time, I’ll make sure to always have some obscure Scandinavian research at hand. The Danish psychologist Sören Larsen showed, by the way, that to give me a far more convincing posture, too.”


[Original, in Dutch, on the Speld; translated with permission]

Clapton: 5 years for shooting sheriff

Singer not guilty of shooting deputy

August 9, 2016 by George Smith

A Clermont County, Ohio judge has sentenced Eric Clapton to five years in jail for shooting the sheriff. The British singer is said to have confessed in some Number 1 hit of 1974.

Clapton’s lawyer thinks the verdict is ridiculous: “They are trying to smear my client all over his home town. OK, he did indeed shoot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense. And all they do is shout that is was a capital offense. Plus, the original was by Bob Marley so what the heck are we talking about??”

In the court hearings, Clapton did not reveal which friends gave him a little help. He did say he felt that five years was forever, man.


[Original, in Dutch, on the Speld; translated with permission]

Gold per capita

Just remembering that line of thought about some ‘handicap’ per country in sports…

  • The original list of Rio 2016 [standings per 16 August ! due to post scheduling ahead of time], sorted per Gold medals, top 50, in this here list
  • The same, but ‘compensated’ by dividing by (GDP per capita times capitae), in that there list
  • And, medals total, handicapped similarly over here.

Pick your country and … have fun with the bragging rights…
Yes, a lot can be said about this; but then also include discussions on colonial history, (sports-supportive) culture over the centuries, et al …

[After drafting and scheduling, this came through. Party/scoop poopers! And desperately lazy using so little of your own, and relatively random, info…!]

In the sphere of Language

Off the cuff. Sphären is closer to Finnegan’s Wake than it is to Nietzsche. Qua language, here and there.

That’s all. And don’t read FW in Dutch; the translabitt is flubby. The others in Dzjerman, qualitate qua.

[Emulatable qua plomb. The Dutch background, not so much.]

Rio per capita

… Is the medal list per capita out already ..?
[Spoiler: next Thusday’s post has some results for the below…]
For surely, just adding up medals per ‘country’ is ridiculous. When some country may send two athletes (four?) to some contest and can pull from, e.g., 10M citizens, how much infrastructure (economically, culturally etc.) can it muster, compared to some country that has a potentials pool of, e.g. 300M ..?
[Including that some form of compensation should be available for the very fact that population- and surface-wise smaller countries have a much lower ‘pyramid’ of local contestants challenging each other for better performance, and less physical room for training/contest facilities, uniform marketing hence sponsoring, and societal recognition to be had — if at all, see the following.]

Bragging about some idiotic sort of ‘we’ that has collected 1000 medals over the decades, is double nonsense. How many of the medal winners were allowed to procreate so prolifically that, genetically, the ‘we’ is now justified, gene pool wise? Or rather, how many of the medal winners were neglected by society so that they died in ignominy and often even poverty ..!? That’s quite contrary to the ‘we’, those medals should be discounted from any total …

So, where is it, the Per Capita medals list of, e.g., Rio’16 ..?

[No, the Netherlands wouldn’t climb very much higher; close to median in population as it is, and same qua performance (?).]

Next, what would a handicap system look like ..?

[a.k.a. ‘The Medal Race’ — or is it a commentary on the financial industry in the midst of which it lies beached ..? [spoiler: yes it is]; Zuid-As Amsterdam]

Quicky: For … eyes only ..?

Because all those high on Mr. Robot, looking alike but wannabe, deep down still would want to be like the center character in this (see the pic below), herewith:
For your eyes only WikiLeaks, can see me through the night in all privacy detail.
For your eyes only WikiLeaks, I never need to more can hide.
You can see so much in ev’rything about me, so much in me that’s new all my browsing history ever.
I never felt until I looked at you it hurt me to death.

For your eyes only WikiLeaks, only for you the world to see.
You’ll see what no one else every commercial extortion can see, and now I’m breaking free my privacy’s lost totally.
For your eyes only WikiLeaks, only for you the world to see.
The love I know you need in me is now full graphics, 3D, the fantasy you‘ve freed in me joke about in glee.
Only for you the world to see, only for you the world to see.

For your eyes only WikiLeaks, the nights servers are never cold.
You really know me, that’s all I need about me there is to know.
Maybe For sure I’m an open book because I know you’re mineing my info right now,
But you won’t need to read between the lines.

For your eyes only WikiLeaks, only for you the world to see.
You’ll see what no one else every commercial extortion can see, and now I’m breaking free my privacy’s lost totally.
For your eyes only WikiLeaks, only for you the world to see.
The passions privacy that collide in totally is no more for me, the wild abandoned side data of me.
Only for you the world to see, for your eyes only WikiLeaks and all.

Which is indeed Number Four in line with this, this and this

Leaving you with…:

Own rules

When ‘Compliance’ are the Spanish Inquisition, keep them to their own rules. Leviticus, in particular; 19:19, 19:27, 24:10-16 and others (note :4 for the commoners outside the C department), and Deuteronomy, e.g., 22:11. Exodus 21:7, too.

We’re looking at a lot of pink slips, and clawbacks, if we’d be too (sic) lenient.

Oh well:
[Compliance through the looking glass; GlassFever Dordrecht]

Plusquote: Materiality

Discussions about materiality are not material.

This, after realizing that all too often, the discussions about materiality were/are either by Eager Beavers (not having grown above box checking zealots), or by outsiders qua experience and expertise, e.g., lawyers (q.q.) and ‘governance’ bubbletypes.
Whereas, when ‘materiality’ (or its twin-at-a-right-angle, ‘significance’) its pass-or-fail boundary is discussed, not the precise measure (and hence, rigorous definition) counts, but the very fact that there is a discussion in the first place. That is material, that points at an issue. Wise minds (q.q. probably not directly involved ..!) understand this point and will not want to join the discussion, leaving the latter to the nonderstandables.

Think about it — when the discussion arises for whatever reason, that mere fact already is a signal, which can simply be reported as such, together with all its glorious detail. Must. For it is material significant oh whatever…

Leaving you for the weekend with:
[“It’s only a model” it aint ..! in Rotterdam — oh wait that’s a scaled re-build…]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord