Two AI tipping point(er)s

You may have misread that title.

It’s about tips, being pointers, two to papers that give such a nice overview of the year ahead in AI-and-ethics (mostly) research. Like, this and this. With, of course, subsequent linkage to many other useful stuff that you’d almost miss even if you’d pay attention.

Be ware of quite a number of follow-up posts, that will delve into all sorts of issue listed in the papers, and will quiz or puzzle you depending on wether you did pay attention or not. OK, you’ll be puzzled, right?

[Self-learned AI question could be: “Why?” but to be honest and demonstrating some issues, that’s completely besides the point; Toronto]

You're not dumb

That’s why I agree so much with the first of this, and keep on trucking posting for the, hardly a, few reader(s) as per sub/secondhalf title of this. With the previous sentence demonstrating that thus.

OK, still with:
[For the views, with built (in) defences against the hoi polloi; Haut Köningsbourg]

The CyberDarwins

As we’re nearing the end of the year (Western calendar, others not spoiling the party — learning point), we draw towards the ‘people being stupid with fireworks’ scenes that are oh so similar to ‘people managing systems’ situation. The former, focusing on the most beautiful display and/or the loudest Bang, the latter the same if you think of it.
The former, with latent recognition of ‘safety’ also re bystanders and collateral injuries possibly grave or life-, liberty- and happiness-threatening. The latter, with a desperate few considering ‘security’ and ‘privacy’, a even fewer thinking of collateral damage and implicit injuries and infractions to life, liberty and happiness — if you think that’s overrated, have you ID stolen.

The former has the Darwin Awards, for those that improve the gene pool by taking themselves out of it.
The latter, none such yet.

That’s where I aim:
Shouldn’t we instate the CyberDarwin Awards (acknowledging #ditchcyber), for the most egregious (i.e., outrageous, glaring, flarant) mindlessness in information security in the widest sense that fly in the face of basic common decent thinking?
So that by their occurence, the candidates volunteer to be taken out of the connected environment which, being their oxygen, improves what’s left (the most).

I have no idea how to pull this off; there should be some sort of portal where candidates may be proposed and results be displayed for common laughter but who will build and maintain such a thing before it can become a success, advertisers will flock in droves to sponsor for ads, and I take over again to reap all the financial benefits… #helpappreciated

[This has zero relevance. Toronto]

No C3PO, just PO

Section 4, article 37, 1(b) of the General Data (sic) Protection Regulation ‘of 2018’ (sic): When the core activities of the controller or the processor consist of processing operations which, by virtue of their nature, their scope and/or their purposes, require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale;, the instantiation of a Functionary for Data Protection is mandatory.
Yes this includes all organisations dabbling in web analytics… No there’s no threshold (that previously was) of 250 or 500 staff minimum.
But hey, there’s arrangements to hire a Functionary — Privacy Officer works better — for less than full-time or on an (on-going) assignment basis. Come to think of it; the mandatory full independence of the PO (party commissioner, anyone?) may sit better with a hired hand/consultant than with someone on the payroll.
Still, one better study the task list for such a PO. Not a C3PO… The bumbling-through-overly-decent butler is not quite the role model you’d want. Or… you’d want the PO to be such, a harmless nuisance. But then, you waste the PO and budget, and still will be vulnerable. The common anglo-saxon (hopefully -only but doubtful) approach that if something goes wrong, you fire the sitting duck scapegoat and hey presto no more worries all are done, satisfied and no damage’s done, will not work here if it ever did. On the contrary, purposeful negligence, wrongful act, et al., may easily be construed, resulting in long-term mismanagement (still a capital offense…! Oh why can’t we jail all the white collar criminals) the misfortune of all your employees, clients etc. will fall on the Board for once… last paragraph of this applies.

To return to the positive: When arranged well, some things in business may have to change but overall, both your processing will run more smoothly (sic) and you public posture will improve (leading to improved data quality, new clients, and the world is yours, right?).
So, draft a PO Charter and hire me.

[Back in the days before live-cams…]

Free standards

… How on earth is it possible that a great many dinosaurs still ‘issue’ standards — this, triggered by this — that are fully payd by tax money and still one would have to pay for a simple PDF download? What about the law; would one have to pay to know that, too??


Apologies for the faint of complexity that might have been taken aback by my, of all decent people, use of that word that has some strength attached in its sparse use against common decency. But you get my drift.
000013 (17)
[Not paying for their undeserved study trip (a lie, too); Curaçao]

Nocial Media

… How did yesterday’s post know about what I type here now ..?

Too easy. Now for something real:
Nocial Media.
Which is about the distribution of socmed interactions.

Because, the best we have so far is stratified data, by country, age group / gender. Which totally misses that, my guess [hence: fact], a great many relations, either current/frequent or distant/loose, are distributed over a different set of classes. Like, a chunk will be global among peers of any sort (or several of such groups), but also the other chunk will be local, traditional, geo- or socially close like (well, F2F peers but they’re an in-between group) family, IRL colleagues, and association co-members.

Now, would any of you have data on such, probably exponential-in-many-directions, distributions ..? I’d love to hear, TIA.

Oh and on a side note; maybe worthwhile to have some sociology expert elucidate on this: What-how is our future when ‘kids these days’ use /Insta…/Snapch… etc. that leave so little trail; how will your future self be able to browse through old youth pics …? [Advertisers will … Be very sure of that…]

[What bin you’re in — Zuid-As Amsterdam]

Dense, but study

All about this here article. Yes I too, started out as picture browser through this. But more careful study unearthed a lot of gold, qua understanding of the issues. Even to the point of pointing out some gaps, here and there — well, the understanding did, not as much the overview — in ‘moral continuums’, that can and should be filled.
And, much work can be done on opeationalising the Obvious breaches of fundamental human rights (as per Universal Declaration) so don’t go babbling about commerce needs a chance.

[And now for a switch of goal but you’ll find the relation …!]

Where the latter is one big part often missing with ‘disruptions’ quod non:
Doing something simply illegal is just that and is not ‘allowed’ because innovation should be allowed to be tested.
Innovation should not be attempted when the new has been determined already to be illegal
How hard can it be? Laws had been put in place to protect the weak against the powerful, specifically at points where the need was obviated. IF some law has no purpose anymore, one should first do away with it, first through political ways and if that wouldn’t work out to be possible, only then, through e.g., courts for obvious unfairness (sic; if your law system is of the common type you’re hosed anyway). When you don’t succeeed in this the only legal ways, too bad that’s how democracy works, if.
If some law still has purpose but there’s negative side effects you’d want to do away with, do away with the side effects not the law; in the two ways as before doofus!

Oh well. Mock disruptors beware; the world does not need nor welcome you.
[Sometimes, Classics are perfect enough; Prague]

Mumbling, much ..?

How come that almost (?) everyone (for sure) recognises the tune of this, but none know the lyrics — well, by heart, and able to sing somewhat proficiently…?

Just asking.

[Beautiful, but linked to tragedy; Prague — only need to straight the horizon…]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord