A dent in Dystopia (U~, too)

One part missing with all sorts of Visions for our future: What happen, to the past ..? Since we seem to value the past of today, most rightly, and will do for some time to come – we’ll have to find a way to accommodate for it in our visions for our future.
Yes, that link is to libraries. As we value the old stuff called Books. As a squared example. Whereas all the utopian visions don’t have such artefacts as if at some point, we’d all be happy with a clean slate completely overhauled redesigned world. It would be utter poverty, of cherished stuff and of mind. Shallows.
And the same, for the dystopians; as if the sun wouldn’t shine anywhere.

’nuff said.

Or… ? If the picture will not be that perfect, either way, don’t we run the danger of sliding into such a nightmare vision (either way) without noticing it ..?

[Edited to add: A couple of years later, I’ve actually been there! It’s in Prague and somewhere on this blog but haven’t been able to garner enough time to find it… ]

Start the Told You So now you still can (?)

Against the trend to dismiss any dystopian view as unduly unoptimistic and hence invalid, that I so dislike..: This here piece by In the Knows.

The Told You So Boys Cried Wolf (lopping two memes into one, in this case appropriately) may better have started now, since they will not be heard (fact about the (near) future) and may not get another opportunity when all the others, the drones, have been subdued by the 0,1%, the AI singularity beast. To put it mildly ;-|

Or, … maybe this time around, some exponential counter force may have come off the ground – not yet into full above-the-radar-floor visibility but still… If ever in history there was a chance to get it (technology) right, it would be now, now that more people are in the middle class (that always takes the beating, apart from the continuous light flogging the underclasses have always got and will always get) and have just the right minimum levels of insight and might care for their future. Unprecedented as an opportunity but hardly assured it’s seized

Anyway…, this:
[Strasbourg, astronomical clock – yes, science within a cathedral]

The Year of SocMess

Yes it’s becoming clear now, if you hadn’t had this on your radar yet from scanning to tracking, that certainly the first half of 2015 will be the Year of SocMess – Social Messaging. Breaking through as a separate category, since SocMed as in the Platform-collecting-all-your-data-for-sale-to-the-prime-examples-of-shadiness kind, think Facebook, will quickly diminish and the Anon apps will spring forward. Where the Anon aspects (as per this explanation and others) may differ, but they all’ll have a mix of the elements that make part of the comms anonymous. Really. As otherwise, they wouldn’t be in this category, right?

And indeed, of course, I wrote ‘part of’ not for nothing.

This development will be interesting to follow. As it mixes with the development of in-crowd apps (that have been around already for a number of years!) where exclusivity is ensured either by limited invite-onwards capabilities or central control over extension.
And there will also be the development in the mix where follower-numbers will stratify further, so we’ll have more 1%-99% skews between interest-pinnacles and the hordes of followers blabbering Likes of all kinds – or flipping into hater gangs.
And, … even more … Subgroups, interests and subcultures emerging to dominate platforms (errr… socmed apps), crowding out others, leading to verticals qua interests segments, and some probably unwantable forms of social exclusion and ‘xenophobia’ where if you’re a n00b you may not be let in on discussions. Kindergarten playground style, but that’s how many (not so, or literally still hardly) grown-ups are.

And on top… The platform providers will battle it out, too, deep under water, where Docker, Google Cloud, Amazon, iCloud, et al., will vie for prominence.
And, the IoT/Appmix will extend. Uber was a quicky, likely to meddle forward in 2015 but the prime has been lost on that one. And Lyft will trail. So will domotics like Nest et al. But, the extend part will be there, with a range of new apps in this area, for functions you still now haven’t even thought of to be handled in this way.

Didn’t I forget to add a little Apple in the mix? No, since there will be hardly anything to mix in, A-wise. Or it be the deterioration of MacBooks’ revenue [Edited to add: Same for iFoan] leading to an emperor in ‘new’ clothes qua prospects, market value and future…

OK, I understand it’s all a bit much, and comes quite late, as predictions for 2015 [Edited to add: apart from these I posted previously; somewhat overlapping], but nevertheless, this all was required to be spelled out for you. Which leaves:
[Smells like 4711 spirit…]

Aggregation is stripping noise; close to emergence but …

Still tinkering with the troubles of the aggregation chasm (as in this here previous post) and the hardly visible but still probably most fundamentally related concept of emergent properties (as in this, on Information), when some dawn of insight crept in.
First, this:
[Somewhere IL, IN, OH; anyone has definitive bearings? JustASearchAway found it. WI]

Because I’ve dabbled with Ortega y Gasset’s stupidity of the masses for a long time. Whether they constitute Mob Rule, or are (mentally to action) captives of the (or other!) 0.1%, or what. My ‘solution’ had been to seek the societal equivalent of the Common Denominator – No! That may be in common parlance but what is meant here, much more precise, is the Greatest Common Divisor.

Since that is at work when ‘adding’ people into groups: Through stripping differences (as individuals have an urge to join groups and be recognized as members, they’ll shed those) and Anchoring around what some Evil Minds may have (consciously or not) set as GCD-equivalent idea, the GCD will reinforce itself ever more (immoral spiral of self-reinforcement), mathematically inherent through adding more elements to the group for GCD establishment and (not ‘strictly’) lowering. [The only difference being the possibility of a pre-set GCD to center around; just make it attractive enough so the mass will assemble, then shift it to need ..!] Where the still-conscious may not want to give up too much of their individuality but may have to dive under in their compliance coping cabanas just to survive (!?).

So, aggregation leads to the stripping of ground noise which may lead to patterns having been pervasively present but covered by that noise, to emerge. Like statistically, a high R2 but with a low β – but still with this β being larger than any of the others if at all present. This may be behind the ‘pattern recognition’ capabilities of Big Data: Throw in enough data and use some sophisticated methods to ensure that major subclasses will be stratified into clusters and be noise to the equation. [That GMDH, by the way, was the ground breaking method by which I showed anomalous patterns in leader/follower stock price behavior (Shipping index significantly 2-day leading one specific chemicals company; right…) in my thesis research/write-up back in 1994, on a, mind you, all hard-core coding in C on a virtual 16-core chip from mathematics down to load distribution. Eat that, recent-fancy-dancy-big-data-tool-using n00bs..!]

By which all the patterns that were under the radar will suddenly appear as patterns in Extremistan DisruptiveLand would; staying under the radar until exploding out of control through that barrier (but note this). As emergent.

But just as metadata is not Information but still only Data, the Emergent isn’t, really. Darn! Close, but no Cuban.
As the pattern is floundering on the research bed when the noise around it dries up, it is not necessarily part of every element in the data pool and potentially can only exist (be visible) at aggregate level. But can and ex-ante very much more probable be part in one or some or many elements of the pool, which would be methodologically excluded from the definition of Emergence / Emergent Characteristics (is it?). And, if the noise is quiet enough, would already be visible in the murky pool in the first place as characteristic not ‘only’ as emergent as the definition of that would have it.

So, concluding… a worthwhile thought experiment, sandblasting some unclarity, but still, little progress on understanding, felling-through-and-through, how Emergence works; what brings it about. But we should! It is that Holy Grail of jumping from mere Data to Information ..!
Joe Cocker just died a couple of weeks ago. Fulfill his request, and little help this friend here, with your additional thoughts, please…

Ruled by the petty

When mores are sufficient, laws are unnecessary; when mores are insufficient, laws are unenforceable.

Durkheim, you recall. Only now. Only now that you’ve started the year all refreshed to this time around implement all the nitpicky petty rather childish, kindergarten-level rules to reign in all the misfits (i.e., about everyone except you) that don’t want to dance to your tunes (while you can’t dance, really; admit it. Not even to your own tune you don’t!). Which turns you into a petty fool, given the veracity of the above quote. If you don’t get it, just think it over once again. And again, until you do. Or quit, but then stay away. Like, at these nice locations just for you.

The big Question of 2015, or the decade, being: How to get the mores back

Part of the solution may be your admiration for:
DSCN5159[Some time ago, when photography was still allowed….]

To watch(ed)

Hmmm… We should all watch out for this here documentary (Yes. Really.), and then have a look back at the great many leads up to today that went before it, like here, here, since some five years ago by yours truly, and many other(s). But now, with this team on it, will it break through ..?

I have something to celebrate today; will leave you for now with:
[Heraclites: All is in transit or in DC]

Short Insight: The Economic Triad

Yes a sudden microrevelation again:

Sedláček, Piketty and Graeber form a triad of social economics; possibly the Way Forward for the global society.

I mean, let’s connect the start and end ideas and conclusions, and the intermediate ones, of Economics of Good And Evil, Capital in the 21st Century, and Debt, the First 5000 Years, and you get my drift. Or not. But the latter is on you, half-joke only.

I cannot but leave you with:
20140917_092755_HDR[2][When you see it (the above), you may need one. At the Fabrique, of course]

ID card house coming down

With the ‘eavesdropping’ or whatshallwecallit of the German Defense Minister’s fingerprint, it seems that yet another card was pulled from the infosec card house of solutions. It looks like a distant relative in infosec land, on the ID side, has faltered. Or, has shown to be not 100% perfect. Dunno if that is newsworthy; apparently is.
Though apparently, in unrelated (?) news reports, not all tools out there have (yet) been cracked by TLAs. With Tor and Truecrypt as shining examples, but haven’t vulnerabilities in the schemes of those been demonstrated (at least theoretically)? So, are the leaked documents just bait to pull in as many ‘script’/privacy kiddies into environments where they actually can be tracked? If the leaked docu are false admittance of uncrackability … who can you trust, then?

Or is it all The Return To Normalcy, where we know all and every tool and method are not 100% perfect, let alone in themselves, and we will have to return to do a risk weighing for every action we take – allowing the Other Side(s) to also be relatively lax and fetch only the clearest of wrong-doer signals. This would require:

  • the boys-cried-wolf to tone down a little. Maybe selling less tools, maybe achieving more by more carefully spending the budget; a Win;
  • the n00b and drone mob users (think @pple users and like meek followers) to raise their constant awareness; a Win;
  • the ‘adversaries’ to not want to be perfect Big Brothers. Hard, to admit, and to not utterly destroy human rights, but necessary and sobering; a half Win.

So, … this card house tumble may turn out to be Progress.
I’ll leave you with:
DSCN1388[Fragile new, sturdy old; Cologne]

Going out / in

A final note … was meant to have some celebratory spirit. But maybe it’s also a looking-back bit in a sense, if you read between the lines; of the mess we’ve made of the world.
But then, it is a view on the actual, concrete and very Urgent problems we face in the near future, from (?) the here-and-now. So… read, and revel in the prospects of real societal progress that is possible – if all of us chip in and do something. Go ahead!

[In Strasbourg, this part of a Solution was there long before the big part of the Problem was started there and in Burssels…]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord