Disarming the citizens of the US

Ah, yes, prohibiting any discussion of or even link to possibly cracking-enabling information. Already worded in a veiled way, as in:

this would mean taking away the arms that a great many US citizens are equipped with (and prohibiting gun range training), once, against the English (Brits?) now against just any outsider and US citizens themselves? Quite a Second Amendment thing, these days…

As a European, I don’t want to meddle in US domestic affairs. But I tend to the interpretation of constitutions and amendments anywhere, all of them, as principles not absolutes. Absolutes never (sic) work in societal organisation. When quite a number of those concerned [again, I’m not] would gladly see all amendments interpreted to principle not literally except this very dangerous one.

‘nough of that. Now, onto the more recent EU moves towards banning hacker tools … (and the UK push for banning encryption tools, even). I just have questions:

  • What about free speech? Seems to be an issue for discussion as democracies need more absolute protection of that. Amazon wouldn’t be allowed to sell hacker books in selected countries. Banning books, anyone?
  • How many % of crackers would live in the applicable jurisdictions, to be under the prohibition provisions, and how many are outside those jurisdictions ..? What would happen if one would exclude the former from being armed and ready but giving the latter a, most probably, more vulnerable target?
  • The honest researchers in those countries would be jobless; never a good incentive to stay in the right side. The honest researchers elsewhere would have a bonanza as all bugfix trade must move to the outside. Either that XOR through a form of licensing one creates a humungous random hence erratic but totalitarian public/private cartel. In the Home of the Free, in the pursuit of happiness.
  • If through this, the balance is lost, will the US and/or EU start to isolate itself (its ‘Internet’ (quod non as per this)) from the rest of the world ..? If so, how any trillions of $/€ will be lost to others, whereas any related industry (that will be the future as the mature-industry-little-growth primary, secondary and tertiary industries will be what’s left for the EU/US but serious growth will be in the new industries?) will not come off the ground, hindering greatly any recovery from the intermediate term (slump) before booming, à la this.
  • Will stego boom? The Hiding in Plain Sight can bring an additional benefit of plausible deniability (with some tweaking).

Seems like the above POTUS quote might indicate that he’s not planning any censoring of the spread of direct or indirect vulnerability information but on the contrary would be stepping up efforts to bring the US back on top of the game. E.g., by not focusing solely on physical terrorists but also on outside-in and from-within (sic) cyber attacks. Or was the quote an apology for the NSA being in NK even before the (known to them!) Sony hack ..?

The picture is still murky. Too murky to take sides already, for my take. I’ll leave you with:

[Bergen aan Zee, Autumn dominos]

‘Algorithm’ or ‘Intelligence’ or Who Cares?

This appeared:

But hey, an algorithm … exists on paper, in the head of programmers, just anywhere. But is an object, however ephemeral, not an actor. What’s probably meant, is that an actual computer, equipped with software that implements the algorithm, and with tons of data, and with electricity, will generate output that sufficiently resembles ‘human’ output. Any news there ..?

[Your ‘brain’..?]


Suddenly (?), amidst all sorts of ‘backlashes’ to whip the 90%, or 99%, back into sully compliance and complacency, this ENISA report came out. Issuer → importance. Get it and read…

For the effort:
[Somewhat close to near perfect alignment. But no cigar for the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag …]

All against all, part 2

OK, herewith Part II of:
Tinkering with some research that came out recently, and sometime(s) earlier, I had the idea that qua fraud, or rather ‘Cyber’threat analysis (#ditchcyber!), some development of models was warranted, as the discourse is dispersing into desparately disparate ways.

The usual picture suspect:
[Art alight, Ams]

Second up, as said: The same matrix of actor threats, (actor) defenders, but this time not with the success chances or typifications, but (read horizontally) the motivations.
Fraud matrix big part 2

Next up (probably the 26th) will be typical main lines of attack vectors. After that, let’s see whether we can say anything about typical countermeasures.
Hmmm, still not sure this all will lead anywhere other than a vocabulary and classification for Attribution (as in this piece).

Attached ITsec

OK, I’m a bit stuck here, by my own design. Had intended to start elaborating the all-encompassing IoT Audit work program (as per this post), but the care and feeding one should give to the methodology, bogged me down a bit too much … (?)
As there have been

  • The ridiculousness of too much top-down risk analysis (as per this) that may influence IoT-A risk analysis as well;
  • An effort to still keep on board all four flavours of IoT (as per this), through which again one should revert to more parametrised, parametrised deeper, forms of analysis;
  • Discomfort with normal risk analysis methods, ranging from all-too-silent but fundamental question discussions re definitions (as per this) and common approaches to risk labeling (as per this and this and others);
  • Time constraints;
  • General lack of clarity of thinking, when such oceans of conceptual stuff need to be covered without proper skillz ;-] by way of tooling in concepts, methods, and media.

Now, before jumping to yet another partial build of such a media / method loose parts kit (IKEA and Lego come to mind), and some new light bulb at the end, first this:
[One by one …, Utrecht]
After which:
Some building blocks.

[Risks, [Consequences] of If(NotMet([Quality Requirements]))]
Which [Quality Requirements]? What thresholds of NotMet()?
[Value(s)] to be protected / defined by [Quality Requirements]]? [Value] of [Data|Information]?
[Threats] leading to [NotMet(Z)] with [Probability function P(X) ] and [Consequence] function C(Y)?
([Threat] by the way as [Act of Nature | Act of Man], with ActOfMan being a very complex thingy in itself)
[Control types] = [Prevent, Detect, React, Respond (Stop, Correct), Retaliate, Restore]
[Control] …? [ImplementationStrength] ?
[Control complex] UnlimitedCombiOf_(N)AndOrXOR(Control, Control, Control, …)
Already I’m missing flexibility there. [ImplementationStrength(Control)] may depend on the individual Control but also on (threat, Threat, …) and on Control’s place in ControlComplex and the other Controls in there. Etc.

Which should be carried out at all abstraction levels (OSI-stack++, the ++ being at both ends, and the Pres and App layers permeating throughout due to the above indetermination of CIAAEE+P for the four IoT development directions, and their implementation details with industry sectors. E.g., Medical doing it different than B2C in clothing. Think also of the vast range of protocols, sensor (control) types, actuator types, data/command channels, use types (primary/control, continuous/discrete(ed)/heartbeat), etc.

And then, the new light bulb as promised: All the above, when applied to a practical situation, may become exponentially complex, to a degree and state where it would be better to attach the security ‘context’ (required and actual) as labels to the finest-grain elements one can define in the big, I mean BIG, mesh of physically/logically connected elements, at all abstraction levels. Sort-of data labeling, but then throughout the IoT infrastructure. Including this sort of IAM. So that one can do a virtual surveillance over all the elements, and inspect them with their attached status report. Ah, secondary risk/threat of that being compromised… Solutions may be around, like (public/private)2 encryption ensuring attribution/non-repudiation/integrity etc. Similar to but probably different from certification schemes. Not the audit-your-paper-reality type, those are not cert schemes but cert scams.

OK, that’s enough for now. Will return, with some more methodologically sound, systematic but also practical results. I hope. Your contributions of course, are very much welcomed too.

All against all, part 1

Tinkering with some research that came out recently, and sometime(s) earlier, I had the idea that qua fraud, or rather ‘Cyber’threat analysis (#ditchcyber!), some development of models was warranted, as the discourse is dispersing into desparately disparate ways.

The usual picture suspect:
DSCN2891[Odd shape; maybe off-putting as a defense mechanism ..!?]

First up, then, an extended version of the matrix I’ve been presenting lately, about offense/defense characteristics. Just to expose it; would want to hear your feedback indeed. (Next up: The same, filled in with What the attacker would want to get out of it, information-wise. After that: Strategy, tactics commonly deployed; rounding off with least-ineffective defense postures (?))

Fraud matrix big part 1

Postdictions 2014-IV and Final

A progress report on the Predictions 2014 I made in several posts here, at the end of the year. So, going for final verdicts. And quite a score and end result…
I gathered some evidence, but probably you have much more of that re the items below. Do please raise your hand / comment with links; I’ll attribute my sources ;-]

First, of course, a picture:
[Yes this one one more time, as the future’s the flip side of the past …]

So, there they are, with the items collected from several posts and already updated several times before hence I’ll just highlight a few things:

Trust ✓ And double-check. Maybe the issue slowed in attention over the course of the year, but… intermediate and final kickers make this one a true ✓
Identity Hmmm, recurrent issues with strength of pwd methodologies, but for the rest… oh there’s XYZcoin with its trust-through-maximum-distribution-and-maximum-anonymity …! ✓
Things Oh absolutely ✓ Or you’re surfing blind. Is that an expression, yet ..?
Social Ello, Viv, etc., and for the rest, it has all been Business As Usual. Which makes it a ✓
Mobile Has truly gone to the Expired phase when all-platform(-agnostic) design has come and gone as a hype and has turned into a basic requirement. ✓
Analytics After the evangelists, now into the BAU lands. ✓
Cloud Mehhh! ✓ It’s Docker that will be next year’s Thing. Note that.
Demise of ERP, the Have almost heard nothing let alone ‘exiting’ about this. So ✓
InfoSec on the steep rise Even if we haven’t seen enough on this!

On APTs: Almost the only interesting thing aaround, still. ✓
On certification vulnerabilities: In hiding. Still there. Ssssht, will hit. Suddenly. ✓ without you knowing it.
On crypto-failures, in the implementations: Quite some news in the underwires… you may not have noticed, but the in-crowd has. Definite ✓
On quantum computing: – still not too much – which is something of a surprise. No ✓ here. Despite this late entry.
On methodological renewal; as it was: Some progress here and there, close to a ✓
Deflation of TLD As per ERP above. ✓ as the logical and methodological failures have prevented anyone to attach oneself to it for risk of looking dumb. Except for the ones still clinging to it, where the risk has materialized…
Subtotal Well, let’s call it an off the cuff 95%+, being an A+ indeed.

The faint of heart wouldn’t necessarily want to speak the bold characters out loud. And my nerw predictions are out there already; see the December 9th post.
Which leaves me to a link that you may want to get for me, for ‘winning’ my own predictions contest. Thank you!

Possible, hence probable means

Why did it take so long for this to surface ..?
As the <link> mentions, steganography in images is detectable and tools are around to help – how many of you already use them on a regular basis, in times when LOLcat pics are so abundant (hint(?)) – but wasn’t it too obvious that the Bad (?) Guys knew that, too, before you the pithy defenders?

So, why?
Either the tools are around but not widespread enough, or as <link> suggests, other means might work better. But the other means… are as cumbersome to deploy, continuously, costly, for the short run for the slightest of changes that anything would be leaked in such a sophisticated way whereas we’re nowhere really nowhere near similar near-water-tight deployment of tooling and methodology against much simpler leaking methods. Leaving you in blissful ignorance. ?

Leaving (sic) you with:
DSCN1043[Tarrega door. Shut closed.]

Your info – value

Wanted to post something on the value of information. Then, this came out a couple of weeks ago. By way of some sort of outside-in determinant of the value of (some) information… [Oh and this here, too, even more enlightening but for another discussion]

Which appears to be an updated but much shortened version of what I posted earlier. Players disappeared or doesn’t anyone care anymore about the ones dropped out ..?

Yes I wasn’t done. Wanted to add something about information value within ‘regular’ organisations, i.e., not the ones that live off ripping off people of their personal data for profit as their only purpose with collateral damage functionality to lure everyone, would value the information that they thrive on, by looking inside not circling around the perimeter.
I could see that being established via two routes:

  • The indirect avenue, being the re-build costs; what it would cost to acquire the info from scratch. Advantage: It seems somewhat tractable. Drawback: Much info would be missed out on, in particular the unstructured and intangibly stored. Employee experience …!?
  • The direct alley. Not too blind. But still, hard to go through safely. To take stock of all info, to locate it, tag it, among other things, with some form of revenue-increase value. Advantage: Bottom-up, a lot of fte’s to profit from the Augean labor (Hercules’ fifth). Drawback: the same.

OK, moving on. Will come back to this, later.

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord