Walnuts, brain size and you

Combining some recent news, some really old news, and your place in between. Or not.

The recent news: Birds might have tiny brains, but they still may be very intelligent (as animals go). Now, on a related note, discoveries show that the brain cells of birds may be smaller and/or much denser packed than they are in, e.g., humans and family.
The really before-stone-age news:dinosaurs-picture-is-bleak

Combined: Birds have a separate line of descendance from their dinosaur-time quite-close equivalents. Having survived some dino extinction rounds and still remain quite similar in body and operations as before, having kept the same lightweight and small-package brain structure too?
Then, maybe the dinosaurs weren’t so stupid either with their small but possibly also very densely packed neurons and they just had a bad hair day (that’s what you get when a comet strikes your coiffure — footballers beware).
Just a, very,very,very after-the-facts hypothesis… And:
[For wine making; isn’t that obvious !?!?!? Quinta do Vallado; Douro]

The Learning-from-error Error

[Thread development; under ~ ]

Tell me, did you go to school somewhere? Did you finish it, and/or completed assignments and exams to somewhat satisfactory degrees?

Congratulations… To the ‘common’ wisdom that one only learns from error, you have failed. In life.

Because, according to too many, fail fast fail often is the best way to gain knowledge about what doesn’t work — automatically leading to the assurance that doing things differently, will work. If you tried and the result didn’t fail, you haven’t learned. So, if you just learned what centuries of the most learned men (plus women…) brought to you, and achieved, acquired any compound body of knowledge, you may have knowledge but are useless otherwise, like an encyclopedia without a reader? Like some millennial that can google anything but doesn’t know (sic) how to apply the search results (let alone qualify them in the tremendous bias that’s in there)? Or did you learn about process and application along the way …?

Thus, all that human culture is; transferred knowledge on facts, process and application, is denied. Where even Neanderthals had culture and knew how to learn from what had — positively — shown to work in practice (i.e., application, intelligence), you the fail-oriented stumbler, don’t reach up to their level of survivability.

Which leads to both this and this, with a large dose of this. ‘Traditional’ learning, and building enterprises that can last for centuries (or, until the wisdom is lost due to ‘CEOs’ and ‘managers’ quae non), as an antidote and sensible path.

Now, if you can just leave us sanes, the rest of the world to actually be successful in the long and short runs …? Plus:
[Just two boats, or an Atlantic Ocean of knowledge ..? Off Foz]


To start, an introduction — how unusual:

René Descartes walks into a bar and sits down for dinner. The waiter comes over and asks if he’d like an appetizer.
“No thank you,” says Descartes, “I’d just like to order dinner.”
“Would you like to hear our daily specials?” asks the waiter.
“No.” says Descartes, getting impatient.
“Would you like a drink before dinner?” the waiter asks.
Descartes is insulted, since he’s a teetotaler. “I think not!” he says indignantly, and POOF! he disappears.

As recalled by YouByNowKnowWho from David Chalmers.

Which demonstrates quite a bit about identity, and artificial intelligence.

The identity part: To quote YBNKW, “… that identity is preserved through continuity of the pattern of information that makes us. Continuity allows for continual change, so whereas I am somewhat different than I was yesterday, I nonetheless have the same identity.” — thus, thinking (both the directed, problem solving way and the massively concurrent undirected, associative and ‘unconscious’ way) is what both constitutes and preserves Identity.

The AI part: Being the part where ‘intelligence’ or the I to the A (or human ~, whatever; after Ray you may not care about a hypothetical difference) is the thinking (or not) of René.

So, whether A or not, the I makes the Id. Not the Es in a mother’s darling child sense! there, it is the (‘super’?)ego but that’s another story.

Now, how to translate that to latest developments in the IAM, blockchain-trust, and ANI/ASI arenas ..? Plus:
[Nuclear shelter, a.k.a. know your building history; Casa da Musica Porto but you surely knew that]

Another Q

Yet another, relatively (sic) random, quote with a kicker in the tail:

In support of this distinction, Chalmers introduces a thought experiment involving what he calls zombies. A zombie is an entity that acts just like a person but simply does not have subjective experience — that is, a zombie is not conscious. Chalmers argues that since we can conceive of zombies, they are at least logically possible. If you were at a cocktail party and there were both “normal” humans and zombies, how would you tell the difference? Perhaps this sounds like a cocktail party you have attended.

Again, from Ray Kurtzweil’s How to Create a Mind (p.202).
And, of course:
[Just like that; Aachen]

Not just Q, IQ

Well, yesterday’s post was about just a quote, this one’s about what should be a full cross-post but hey, I’m no wizard I’ll just blockquote it from here because it’s so good (again, qua author):

Society in the Loop Artificial Intelligence

Jun 23, 2016 – 20:37 UTC

Iyad Rahwan was the first person I heard use the term society-in-the-loop machine learning. He was describing his work which was just published in Science, on polling the public through an online test to find out how they felt about various decisions people would want a self-driving car to make – a modern version of what philosophers call “The Trolley Problem.” The idea was that by understanding the priorities and values of the public, we could train machines to behave in ways that the society would consider ethical. We might also make a system to allow people to interact with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and test the ethics by asking questions or watching it behave.

Society-in-the-loop is a scaled up version of human-in-the-loop machine learning – something that Karthik Dinakar at the Media Lab has been working on and is emerging as an important part of AI research.

Typically, machines are “trained” by AI engineers using huge amounts of data. The engineers tweak what data is used, how it’s weighted, the type of learning algorithm used and a variety of parameters to try to create a model that is accurate and efficient and making the right decisions and providing accurate insights. One of the problems is that because AI, or more specifically, machine learning is still very difficult to do, the people who are training the machines are usually not domain experts. The training is done by machine learning experts and the completed model after the machine is trained is often tested by experts. A significant problem is that any biases or errors in the data will create models that reflect those biases and errors. An example of this would be data from regions that allow stop and frisk – obviously targeted communities will appear to have more crime.

Human-in-the-loop machine learning is work that is trying to create systems to either allow domain experts to do the training or at least be involved in the training by creating machines that learn through interactions with experts. At the heart of human-in-the-loop computation is the idea of building models not just from data, but also from the human perspective of the data. Karthik calls this process ‘lensing’, of extracting the human perspective or lens of a domain expert and fit it to algorithms that learn from both the data and the extracted lens, all during training time. We believe this has implications for making tools for probabilistic programming and for the democratization of machine learning.

At a recent meeting with philosophers, clergy and AI and technology experts, we discussed the possibility of machines taking over the job of judges. We have evidence that machines can make very accurate assessments of things that involve data and it’s quite reasonable to assume that decisions that judges make such as bail amounts or parole could be done much more accurately by machines than by humans. In addition, there is research that shows expert humans are not very good set setting bail or granting parole appropriately. Whether you get a hearing by the parole board before or after their lunch has a significant effect on the outcome, for instance.

In the discussion, some of us proposed the idea of replacing judges for certain kinds of decisions, bail and parole as examples, with machines. The philosopher and several clergy explained that while it might feel right from a utilitarian perspective, that for society, it was important that the judges were human – it was even more important than getting the “correct” answer. Putting aside the argument about whether we should be solving for utility or not, having the buy-in of the public would be important for the acceptance of any machine learning system and it would be essential to address this perspective.

There are two ways that we could address this concern. One way would be to put a “human in the loop” and use machines to assist or extend the capacity of the human judges. It is possible that this would work. On the other hand, experiences in several other fields such as medicine or flying airplanes have shown evidence that humans may overrule machines with the wrong decision enough that it would make sense to prevent humans from overruling machines in some cases. It’s also possible that a human would become complacent or conditioned to trust the results and just let the machine run the system.

The second way would be for the machine to be trained by the public – society in the loop – in a way that the people felt that that the machine reliability represented fairly their, mostly likely, diverse set of values. This isn’t unprecedented – in many ways, the ideal government would be one where the people felt sufficiently informed and engaged that they would allow the government to exercise power and believe that it represented them and that they were also ultimately responsible for the actions of the government. Maybe there is way to design a machine that could garner the support and the proxy of the public by being able to be trained by the public and being transparent enough that the public could trust it. Governments deal with competing and conflicting interests as will machines. There are obvious complex obstacles including the fact that unlike traditional software, where the code is like a series of rules, a machine learning model is more like a brain – it’s impossible to look at the bits and understand exactly what it does or would do. There would need to be a way for the public to test and audit the values and behavior of the machines.

If we were able to figure out how to take the input from and then gain the buy-in of the public as the ultimate creator and controller of this machine, it might solve the other side of this judicial problem – the case of a machine made by humans that commits a crime. If, for instance, the public felt that they had sufficient input into and control over the behavior of a self-driving car, could the public also feel that the public, or the government representing the public, was responsible for the behavior and the potential damage caused by a self-driving car, and help us get around the product liability problem that any company developing self-driving cars will face?

How machines will take input from and be audited and controlled by the public, may be one of the most important areas that need to be developed in order to deploy artificial intelligence in decision making that might save lives and advance justice. This will most likely require making the tools of machine learning available to everyone, have a very open and inclusive dialog and redistribute the power that will come from advances in artificial intelligence, not just figure out ways to train it to appear ethical.


•Iyad Rahwan – The phrase “society in the loop” and many ideas.
•Karthik Dinakar – Teaching me about “human in the loop” machine learning and being my AI tutor and many ideas.
•Andrew McAfee – Citation and thinking on parole boards.
•Natalie Saltiel – Editing.

And, of course for your viewing pleasure:
[Would AI recognise this, an aside in the Carnegie Library; Reims]

Not your clients!

An outcry: Stop calling ‘clients’ what are just mass tools to make a profit (incl public sector…) for your actual clients…!

When, why, did the non-politically grossly in-correct usage of ‘clients’ come from, where not only the Facebooks of this world will serve you crumbs and deliver your value to others ..? Because all sorts, yes the dullest of dullest too or in particular, of public sector organisations fall prey to the emptiest of sympathies when they denote their fully captives as ‘clients’, or at best, ‘civilians’ as if they themselves are not the most average, mediocre, irrelevant of those denominiations themselves ..? ‘Clients’ of a social services organisation ARE NOT; apologies for the shout, they are captives, with no alternative to turn to (like actual clients could) but the actual client is some politician(s) that have just enough brains to be the last one standing / clinging to their seats while everyone of anything approaching intelligence even at great distance, will have left or have been pushed out by actually caring for the ‘clients’s interests.
‘Clients’ are just the mass fodder, nothing (sic) more despite all the efforts to paint a social, relating picture.
Get real. Stop the outright lying.

Oh well.
[Actual palace of the People; of course this is Pistoia]

Cucumber going bananas

Anyone care to share their found most sorry news item re information security this Summer? Since it appears that the Cucumber Season (silly season) of InfoSec has started already. I mean: Is there anything infosecnews that is greeted with more than a wry cynical smile ..? Like, you know, “Been there done that ages ago, like, last May”. And nothing that the General Public panics about, that wasn’t in the same response category on the In side.

Or …? Is there anything that you, as the Insider par excellence, might go bananas about? Your vote opinion counts!

[Prayers go the same way, still may have changed somewhat; insider tip: Old Church Amsterdam]

Print Goodbye World

Somehow, got triggered that there’s a near future where 100 print “Hello world” would meet with Sorry Dave, I can’t compile that not even with warnings (what; no 200 End ..!?) — because one’s not supposed to be able to influence the Machine. No red pills allowed.

Oh the things that keep me awake at night [they don’t]. Soon, baby, soon. Plus:
[Just Lotharingen things; Nancy]

Generation Majordomo

In a slight twist of fate, two weeks ago some fashionable magazine decided to drop caps off ‘Internet’ and just write it internet.
Back then, when drafting this post. About the good times, when people hung out at Woodstock or so, or, well, say, since the 80s, when all sorts of inventions brought one wave of new jargon words and meanings after another.

Also when it struck me that, e.g., ‘majordomo’ seems to be a derelict word. At least, re moderated discussion sites. What Happen — All Your Base Are Belong To Us is almost gone, superseded by Dat Boi (as here). ‘PC compatible’, ‘carriage return’, ‘portals’, ‘surfing’, ‘fax’, ‘PDAs’, ‘modem’ (Hayes compatible, 2800 baud!), ‘Alta Vista’ (the search engine), ‘dynamic HTML’, … all goners.

But apart from the curiosity value, and a few Googled sites with partial information, there’s no real one go-to (sic, or even Goto Considered Dangerous!) site or, in?appropriately, physical location where one can find exhibits of Lost Computer Words.

How sad. We’re losing massive historic reference here, people! Get up and Do Something!

’cause I have no clue how to tackle such a thing… But I do have:
[A gem oh so easily missed; the Aubette at Place Kléber Strasbourg — sorry old unedited pic, still]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord