Mixing up the constitution

When your state secretary is mixing up all sorts of things. When at the official site, at last email (and other ‘telecomm’) is listed to be included as protected on the same footing as snail mail has always been, qua privacy protection.

Which raises the question: Does that include the right to use (uncrackable) encryption, because that is what is equivalent to a sealed envelope ..? When the same government wanted to ban that, or allow simply-crackable [i.e., with bumblinggovernment means – the most simpleton kind or ‘too hard’] encryption only?
Why would this have to be included so explicitly in the constitution no less, when just about every other tech development isn’t anywhere there, and in the past it has always been sufficient to interpret/read the constitution to automatically translate to the most modern tech without needing textual adaptation ..? [As has been the case in every civilised country, and maybe even in the US too.]
And where would GDPR impinge on this; is the rush necessitated by GDPR (with all its law-enforcement exemptions, pre-arranging the ab-use of those powers GDPR will give), or is this an attempt to pre-empt protection against Skynet overlords (pre-pre-empting GDPR protection for citizens), – recognising that anything so rushed will never be in favour of those citizens – or what?

One wonders. And:
[So many “unidentified” office buildings in NY, NY …]

DNA not so Determinant; there goes another piece of Evidence

[ Commemoration of the Dead, today in the Netherlands. Never forgotten. Never forget! ]

In the series of surrealisation of proof, in courts and elsewhere, turning anything into faker news than before – a trend that was under way already for a long time, maybe centuries but now speeding up enormously – after the most recent class of proof (yes don’t complain I’m clear, qua ‘class’!) we have even old (?) evidence classes being overthrown. Like, your DNA.
Somehow, we already knew that. Where the analogue of hash collisions happened IRL, with disastrous consequences for peoples’ lives, and that of their families, et al. Really, imagine yourself in the midst of it all: Ragnarök and the collapse of the foundations of society … I’m not joking any bit.

But now, again. What Evidence classes remain? When each and every class can be planted, fabricated (signatures, pictures; untraceably), coerced (‘rat out your partner or all of your family will be killed before your eyes’), etc., indeed nothing remains. Nothing non-repudiatory…

But flipside; Skynet is here. Like before.

[Either way, you lose; Zuid-As Ams]

Common(s) as privacy and vice versa ..?

Remember from your econ class that concept of The Commons, and how problematic it was? Is?
There was this intriguing post recently, on how Free Speech might be considered and deliberated in terms of the commons being exhausted by undue over-use (abuse) — for its use alone ( → ). Leading to aversity of the concept not of the abuser or his (sic) apparent locally recognised but globally not, ‘valid’ reason(s) for over-use.

Which, as is my wont of the moment, driven by personal business interests, I took to be applicable to Privacy as well. Maybe not in the same way, but … This will need quite some discussion between me on the one hand, and peers and others on the other who would actually know what they’re talking about. Throwing in a bit of anglo-american data-isn’t-yours versus European (‘continental’ — will brexit – which starts to sound like a lame Benny Hill kind of joke ever more – change that ..??) data-is-datasubject’s-always divides, and some more factors here and there. Complicating matters, but hey life’s not perfect.

Waddayathink? In for a discussion ..? Let’s start!

[Not so very common-s; Toronto]

Ben still has all the Ayes

There is no end to the need to repeat the, somewhat but simply never sufficiently, quote by the Ben you know best:
Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.

How valid today. How utterly moronic in comparison all that would allow crypto-backdoors (for other reasons, too), and covert catch-all dragnet surveillance. Etc.   Etc…

Oh and for the few that are still interested in the United States Constitution, they shall refer to article 1, section 7, clause 2 , that has not ayes and nays but yeas and Nays. Just wanted that off my plate.

Leaving you with:
[You’ll be naked and that will not be pretty; Barça]

Mastodon as a grassy patch

Just one of those things, questions, that swirl into my mind every so (too) often: What if, when, Mastodon is the Woodstock of social media ..? Wouldn’t that be grand. All pick your own Hendrix in this. Suggestion: him ;-|
On the serious side; the festival itself was hardly in mainstream news at the time, but (helped) triggered major societal changes. Let’s hope Big M (not with ac but on AC/DC) does the same, in these times of need. For such change.

Oh, and:
[No, this is not doctored or otherwise edited. Zuid-As, Ams]

Fake your news

So this is your future, part II:
Fake news is (to be – timeframe in question is ..?) battled by platforms that have full control over just about everything out there. By whatever algorithm these might bring to bear, most probably with a dose of ill-aligned AI creating a filter bubble of the most beneficial to the platforms kind for sure which is the most profitable one to their *paying* customers which is the ad industry which hence is by definition detrimental to the users, the global general public (sic).
Thus suppressing Original Content by users that isn’t verifiable against the ever narrowing ‘truth’ definitions that benefit the platforms.
Thus installing the most massive censorship ever dreamt of.
And despite some seemingly (!) benign user support in this

In the olden days, anything of such ubiquity that it was factually (sic) a (inter)national utility, was nationalised to bring it under direct control of the People.
May we now see the appropriation of Fb by the UN due to exactly the same reason ..?

One can hope..? Plus:
[Rosy window on the world ..? Not even that; Zuid-As Amsterdam]

Right. Without -s

So, we’re into this era of giving up control over our lives. Where we’re either dumb pay-uppers, or (also) victims. Which in turn leads to questions regarding who will have any income at all, to pay for the service of being allowed to sit as stool pigeon until shot anyway.
Because the latter is what follows from this here nifty piece; Tesla not giving your data unless they can sue you. The EU push for human-in-the-loop may need to be extended considerably, but should, must. Possibly similar to the path of the Original cookie directive, from weak opt out to strong double opt in plus all privacy requirements (purpose / functional necessity, minimalisation, etc.etc.).

Do we recognise here again the idea that though your existence creates it and would be different for every human on earth (plus orbit), your data isn’t yours ..? Quod non! When someone takes what you produced (however indirectly! – inferred and metadata and all) without payment, that is theft or worse in any legal environment.
Is there anywhere a platform where the consequences of this global delineation are more clearly discussed, between Your Data Isn’t Yours Because We Process It, versus My Data’s Mine Wherever ..?

I’d like to know. And:
[Your fragile fortress…; Barça]

The Sixties, rehashed ..?

Quo vadis; society ..? This now has an answer: We’ll have a rehash of the 19-30s and -60s (/-70s) in one.
When the 1%ers slash Military-Industrial Complex slash totalitarians claim to want unfettered market economies for all even when they pursue an absolute, complete Big Government / monopoly society, even pushing IoT for the purpose of providing Big Brother with total surveillance capabilities under the guise of ‘citizen’-supporting ambient intelligence Oxford, and pushing VR as a tool for mind control (sucking everyone (?) into the blue pill illusions of the Matrix),
And on the opposite end we have a continued strive for the Commons-Arcadia of small businesses (not much beyond mom-and-pop freelance gigs) everywhere on a level playing (sic) field where Experiencing Nature in te Great Outdoors (soon trampled by the masses, and not too wild and Unknown), with IoT as tool for healthy slash sustainable living for all and VR as just a small-scope tool,
The Sixties / Ealy-Seventies are back. Much more transparent (also qua disruptors’ identities, whereabouts, and culpability vv the Law…), much more (yes indeed) ground to cover, to loosen up societies’ structures much more extensively — due to backlog, backfire and backlash since the last Aquarius rush (80s-10s). Even in business, seeing a return away from totalitarian-bureaucratics towards enterpreneurial freedom (“actual” leadership contra übernacissistic CEOs).
The Thirties are back. With the income distribution being more skewed than ever (!) in history, so with more argument pro (…) Revolution … [Despite the latter having proven throughout history to fail or rather, in the end to not work out the way it was intended!] But also the Junker that babble alternative facts (US) and pretend to rule (Europe) but have no clue about their overly apparent airheadedness, leading duces to be able to grab power.
Noting that in some conglomerate of nominally independent states, the division or even separation between the Poor in the middle and the Elites on either coast, is more clear (worse) than in the Thirties now.

Pendulum swings everywhere. And throw in China and Russia, plus some India into the mix…
What have we learned from the past; can we deal with extremes in a better way now ..?

[Absolute rulers, Nature in the back; Salzburg again]

Your unbody double

So, there now is a thing being Artificially Intelligent 3-D Avatars. As per here. How nice.
And then you realise time travel may be possible once you don’t have the physical duplication problem anymore. Though we still would have the other problems; bummer.

But still, one of the problems has been solved. The others, actually … may need re-study. Because, there may now be differences in travelling forward (possibility approaching, when ‘time’ in your physical life needs to stay synchronised in some form or another with others, and your AI3DAvatar can speed up ..?) but then, returning to Now might (creation of possibility here) be equivalent or the same [which aren’t] to travelling back in time. Duh. Too bad it’s still so hard to reason (positive-)logically and consistently about this.

And, it will make the ‘need’ to have dirty, planet-soiling flesh-and-blood humans around, much less. There’s no such thing required anymore as people being trapped in The Matrix and then wanting blue or red pills, but rather it’s the attachment of AI3DAvatars to the Singularity Machine; their subsumption into it (removing duplicate or false/inconsistent memories – that will be there IF the AI3DAvatar’s anything like you) leading to their disappearance — all they ever (in the future) were, had already been included (thought out on its own) by the SingMach.

For now, we’re still here; individually. And:
[“Tape”copies of the views from up there, will be loaded to your AI3dAvatar in a millisec; no need for that either; CNN Tower, Toronto]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord