Wired / Tired / Expired, October 2014 edition

DSCN6765[Ah, what a pleasant fortress! Córdoba]

Yes here’s the October edition of my Wired / Tired / Expired jargon watch overviews, a mixed bag again:

Stealthy introductions Gartner Hype Cycles Apple Product (Launch) Events
Let the products speak for themselves, let them grow organically around the globe, don’t try in vein (sic) to go viral or so. Be happy with moderate growth as it will be sustainable so much, much longer. Don’t believe this hype … Will have a separate post on this in the near future. Nothing new; all hyped and epiphany only for the fast-shrinking few simpleton acolytes left…
Smart analysis integrated into regular audits Process Analysis Big Data
Like, let the process analysis take its place in the Understanding the Business part of any audit. No craze, just helpful in all sorts of directions (including early-on advisory work). For it’s own sake, no more. Not accepted, not acceptable anymore. Meh. If less than a yottabyte, not it. Tools in place, again the other 99.9999% of work to be done is human; which is not available in sufficiently intelligent, sufficiently large numbers. Hence, fails beyond the tiniest of anecdotal finds.
InfoSec groundswell / tsunami Hyping APTs, megaleaks RO(S)I, ISO, et al.
No more top-down, just bottom-up, by guerilla even if needed, but with a desperate need to improve by all (not granted) means and authorizations necessary. Doing, not waiting (not) to be allowed. Oh my! The Sky Is Falling! No more. APTs are still around, yes, vastly more than ever before; megaleaks of the data breach kind and of the Snowden kind, ditto. But nobody listens anymore so why dwell on these? Ah, the passé methods of yesteryears… Didn’t work. Didn’t fit with InfoSec, do still fit with corporate policy but who cares; if there’s no match, nothing will result. If you still try to match, also nothing (serious in InfoSec terms) will result.
3rd Platform Software Defined BYOD/CYOD
Where the first was Mainframes, the second one Client/Server. Now // Just a way to cement the bricks of your architecture. Well, there’s so much work in here if one’d want to do this right but few! the effort, I don’t want to think of this too much. Done deal. BYOD; CYOD’s not going to fly (discussed earlier, somewhere on this site; use the search, Luke!).
Ello Snapchat Whatsapp
Well, qua hype. Otherwise, very very maybe still Nice ‘n quick, but has it gained enough traction ..? Even your old, 30+ relatives use it now. If (dinosaur) Then (expired).
Ideate Empathy UX
Being creative and coming up with new ideas, needed its separate buzzword. Well, maybe. Will age quickly I guess. Yes all companies still need it, but none have a clue. Here I was wondering what all these flimsy design-types had to do with Unix. Turns out, it’s user experience – above good design, but stumbling till you accidentally hit something good, isn’t It. Has never been. But is; expired.
Don’t care about illegal downloads Chase the most petty, pityful of “illegal” downloaders only Push a U2 album
Just because your business model doesn’t depend on levying silly huge distribution costs. You know, trying to wring millions out of the poor that otherwise would not buy scrap from you, while you know the damages are 99.999% into the lawyer’s pockets only. Ah, the FAIL …! This deserves a (cultural) backlash flogging by the billions (yes) that weren’t interested…
Locally produced, biodynamic even but without the zeal Super foods Don’t Care
Yes one can eat/drink healthily but don’t need the fanatism. Just somewhat less, quite a bit healthier produced (full supply chain including externalities), and varied. Quod non; as proven over and over again. After so many, many failed attempts, don’t numbly try again; you’ll fail for sure. Eating all the preservatives and sweeteners, too much of it all, just isn’t ‘permissible’ anymore.
Decently colourful Normcore bland Grey all the way
Yes even in Fall/Autumn, there’s many colours (not colors) that fit the season and are cheerful and bright. It already looks formless, has the colours to match: Why? Duh, that was last year’s one big great miss without purpose.

OK, any suggestions for next month’s edition ..?

Cycle comments and questions

A certain commercial advisory club still releases its hype cycle. Which is good news; to have some authority with some authority (your mileage may vary) providing us with some comprehension and comprehensiveness [OK I’ll stop now] about the What’s Buzzworthy.
Still, being … in the field / Dutch / obnoxious, pick any; I’d like to comment…:
(Here’s the August version from … somewhere; ™ and © or what is it, acknowledged)

  • Virtual Personal Assistants – 5 to 10 years out (of the plateau of productivity) ..? That’s optimistic ..!
  • Brain-computer interface: If one would consider this to be about ‘intelligence’ connection, then maybe. But there’s also connections like hearing, et al., where a 5 to 10 year span may be on the ‘long’ side.
  • Human augmentation: See the previous. Or aren’t definitions sufficiently orthogonal?
  • Affective computing: Hm, optimists.
  • Neurobusiness: Same.
  • IoT: Yes, at a hype peak. Maybe (much) sooner, to be at the plateau.
  • Cryptocurrencies: Hoping for a swifter spread and adoption…
  • Big Data may be further down the slope already. Or is that from where I / we are ..?
  • Gamification, augmented reality: Hopefully and quite possibly, already reality somewhat earlier.
  • The rest of the bunch … will they not come sooner ..? Of shift shape (‘pivot’) to be unrecognizable from their today’s hype labels soon?
  • And a final one: Would anyone have a similar overview of … one year, five and ten years back? Just to see what happen in the meantime; to establish a ballpark reliability figure. Would be fun, too.

I’ll leave you with this’all. Your comments are welcome(d). If you like to dream.

Wired / Tired / Expired, September 2014 edition

[Not as much from another planet as from half a century ago]

Yes we’re back with this; here’s the September edition of my Wired / Tired / Expired jargon watch overviews, a mixed bag; see what you missed this Summer:

Humanity Analytics Cloud
The latest wave is about humanity again, fortunately, as the first signals of a massive increase of human vs. machine intelligence and capabilities, precursors of a societal debate on the singularity or the parts of its checkered implementation (timeline) hopefully, come out into the open. Via the predicted AI integration bubbling up everywhere. All aboard the night train. It keeps on running, and so are some. But not necessarily you. It’s just that the whole thing has become too diffuse to still get a grip on. So media attention has been lost. Not totalitarian’s attention – civil rights movementers (movers?) watch out. If you think this is still hot, or even hype, you belong in the Museum of Ancient History
Note-taking in paper notebooks Note-taking on tablets Note-taking on laptops
Yes, moving beyond the sect of St. Steve …! As per the above, the Slow Living idea, as elaborated into the co-operation/-everything environments of organizational life, is spreading. For the good of mankind. Also, this, and #4 of this. A fool with a tool is still a tool. You Late Majority! And, it’s going this way. Hopefully. Hm, valid, for professional note-takers. Not for the casual meeting browsers, though.
Instant hyper-amateur ‘shops Memes GIFs (-as-Jifs),
tied with
Viral videos
0,15 seconds of fame. Expressing the idea, permanence not as much. Which is efficient and (hence?) laudable in its own way. I don’t often need to explain, but if I do … Memes may have been a full product (sic) cycle that many may have missed completely. Who has time for those? To make, to take.
Don’t care Dissing ‘mainstream’ Digging Hip
(incl Beards…)
Just be yourself. Ensure that’s enough. For you. Having become mainstream, it’s a Tu Quoque (jokes on yourself) now. Ehhh, you were backpacking for half a year in an area without WiFi or something..!?!? How could you do that, and not recover in half a day?
Deca. Or reading classical, well-bound hardcover books. PDF reading Kindle et al.
As in this.
And, the ultimate long-form, reading classics of all ages as treasured elements of Culture. The humanity and its wisdom that transpires through the centuries.
For the operational content. Nothing else. Nice try, but on its way to the great heap of just-didn’t-make-it-to-be-great-inventions.
Deal with it Dogue What Happen
In the Why Should I Care What Your Problems Are They Won’t Go Away If Not When I Would Much annoy. Moved into this sector.
Modern tech moving into business 3D printing for gadgetry IoT promises
As in: Apple joining forces with IBM, Microsoft re-invigorating its business offerings, et al. As in this fad(s); sad. Spoils the idea instead of pushing widespread household use Sort of the same hypepromises not being delivered by far while we would still wanted to have it all happen(ed).
NASA’s UFO Amazon drone delivery Attack of the Drones
Woot! We humans are finally making it happen ourselves …!? Maybe it will happen. Maybe not. What increase in service ..? Now that it’s a fact; have we learned how to deal with it …? (I mean, in a way that would let us stay comfortable even if brought home ubiquitously?)

OK, any suggestions for next month’s edition ..?

Off the mApp

Suddenly, we don’t hear anything anymore about ‘apps’. Has the world moved on? Has the concept moved onto the Plateau of Productivity already so quickly ..?
It just struck me. As the news broke that 90% of apps will be free. And there’s hardly any news anymore or Top-10 lists of the hottest, on apps out there for any public. Already some months ago, even acocuntants publicized their shortlist for most useful ones; talk about death spells…

But really, didn’t it all get lost when the distinction between Client and Server got lost again (sic), when no-one (i.e., users) did care anymore whether actual computing was, is done on the phablet or on the mid-/back-end servers..? Because of course large db’s still sit there far away (collecting all your inputs…) and presentation is obviously still done at the end points. But the in-between… E.g., I now have anything on the scale from pure browser(s…) to PDF-downloads; independent of whether the content is permanent or ephemeral latest news and weather predictions [hey it seems they’re ever more off of actual weather …!?!?], content size, specifity (for me individually and/or qua SelectFromWhere IYKWIM), etc.
This also means no-one (…) will care anymore about SaaS or anything below. ‘Cloud’ is something for techies, too. The browser, only recently the up-and-coming single app-li-ca-tion on the (mobile / immobile) desktop, the single one that would seem to matter in the near future, has been pushed aside, for browsing – all ‘other’ serious personal/private business now goes via apps, even if those are sometimes just single-page browser’lets. This’ll all be under the hood, not to be looked at for fear of irresistible stupefied faces. After all this, Consumers and (organisational) End Users will all be one; tapping icons to do one’s … ‘business’..? Because I, too, would fall in that category, the apps may better be very idiot-proof…

Oh well one, the app suppliers may want to re-think their pricing and subscription models; per-consumer delivery of a wide scale of functionality (Ouch! Very Old word!) for either personal non-business, personal-business and employee-scale business uses must be tunable, along with price for value. Ouch again; Even Older word. But the way forward.

Oh well two, IoT took over. Apps are into the productivity phase: Rhetoric or not? (The latter, not.) Is it still wise to invest in a career as future app designer/builder or is the life span of such a career counted in lower single digits and should we assume such capabilities to be staple, basic high school level stuff, like word processing without spelling errors!

I’ll leave you with:
[Where original tilt-shift, not the kindergarten (?) phone minitiaturisation kind but the  perspective correction sort, may still help. In a sublimated way, too. Vienna]

IoTsec as expected

Yawn. A decade of humongous growth in Information security is coming. To tackle the likes of this.
Think of where the somewhat organized, somewhat budgeted, somewhat up to it corporate world now is. (With the public organization world lagging, seriously, on all counts.) Then think of what it would take to make the general public ‘safe’.

And then think of how many InfoSec professionals would be needed. Yeay! Indeed, as in:
DSCN0449[Onto Val d’Orcia, as you spotted]

Wired / Tired / Expired, August 2014 edition

[‘oliday snapshot, underadvertised]

So, here’s the August edition of my Wired / Tired / Expired jargon watch overviews, a mixed bag:

Not. I’m taking a holiday break on this. Will be back per September to hit you with my rhythm stick seriously important, and interesting, trends of the month.

OK, one then, in simple format:

Wired Tired Expired
Pivoting Pitching Business Idea without Plan
As ‘invented’ in 1985 or so. Now suddenly… some business booklet became popular ..!? You know, like in 2, 1, … minutes. Uselessly brief, indeed. Sigh. What did you smoke, now legally?

And, maybe, a link to some article that goes into the T and E problematics somewhat further… here.
Hence, any suggestions for that Sept edition ..?

We Need New Sixties

Just an off the cuff remark. We need new Sixties. The world of totalitarian bureaucratic control, in business and in governance (if you’d reply that there’s governance in business as well, take a hike. With due apologies, that was putting it diplomatic already), has come to an end. It has failed to deliver the global commons cooperation required to deal with planetary issues. More of the same will not do.

Oh, if only we had the Sixties all over again, where old (political informal) structures were attacked by a very select very few opponents… That in the end quickly converted to being maybe even worse that their predecessors. Um.

That is why all of you should be wanting to have a translation of Tegen Verkiezingen
[Get it. That’s an order or in the alternative a recommendation]

Yes, yes, working on a Book by Quote post indeed [to be posted per 25/8]. But would be in Dutch.
And, after an initial euphoria of recognition of many lingering ideas, I found some solutions still wanting. So, when I do the follow-up reading of referenced and secondary literature, do you help develop the many loose ends ..? E.g., relations with the decline of information/communication costs and -troubles so we can do so much more (not physically, not-physically) close interaction as to make all the nation sit around the old oak tree ..? In a systemic, structural, and operational way of development, e.g., through Internet voting with all the safeguards..?


Wellicht zullen gevestigde belangen (weer ten onrechte … DNB-kneuterpietluttigheid-waarschijnlijk-uit-doodsangst-uit-onbegrip (hoewel dat d… terecht, en gewenst?) vs California State…) gaan waarschuwen voordat de vergelijking met de huidige feitelijke situatie voldoende fundamenteel en objectief is gemaakt, maar dit is natuurlijk een interessante nieuwigheid; crowdsourcing justice. En voor degenen die jury-rechtspraak iets engs vinden wat wat de boer niet lust, leze nee bestudere dit werk eens.
Plots komt zo veel samen… Vreugde alomom zo veel culturele vooruitgang.

[Edited to add: Zie de post van 25 augustus 2014…]

En dus een vrolijk:
000013 (17)[Kan dubbel zijn, swa]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord