Plusquote: R&R

Never let a good opportunity for R&R go to waste

Which goes on the back of ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’ which s true, but negative as it relies on crises to turn up as the best (not the only …) opportunities to get change done. But now, tries to turn it to the positive, (truly hedonistic with an epicurean twist) enjoyable by way of the proper mix of carpe diem due to memento mori. As one doesn’t know when one will die; a great many being caught short of having lived as they postponed all purpose of life by ‘saving’ that for later, always for later. Hence the balance will need to be tried, not wasting, not spending it all but also not shirking from opportunities to enjoy.
Hence a side remark that the plusquote is quite absolute whereas its application needs some ‘risk management’ balancing (including personal quality perception/prediction) but hey, that takes the fun out of the shorthand.

Oh; some may not have gotten the memo that R&R (R ‘n R) isn’t about rock and roll or so, but about Rest and Recreation. Or Rest and Restoration, whatever floats your boat.

Talking about boats … (??):
[Ship not boat! Not too much for pleasure, originally …; Baltimore again]

Watson’s place to be

Two points re Watson here, one poignant, one solved:

  • Where is Watson? Because, it must run on some (i.e., enormous number of) core processors that physically are, somewheres (multiple). Would anyone actually know or otherwise, wouldn’t that be scary for all the idol-worshippers of individualised-robotlike AI ..?
  • The name, the motto. After Thomas J.’s … Think. Name, sole purpose. Nomen est omen. Capice ..?

So there you have it. The question remains Open. Until you provide me with some answer, possibly..?

[Cogite, citius altius fortius! of the 1928 kind; Amsterdam of course]

Mayans leaving the US

Would anyone have a pointer to the research that compares the Mayans’ demise with latter-day developments in the first world ..?

As one hears not too much lately, about that grand theory about the sudden disappearance of the Maya culture that suggested that one-percenter total disconnect with the other 99%, lead to the latter leaving the, no more capable of sustaining themselves in the least, überbureaucrats to litterally starve in their palaces.

Which might very well happen if the Powers That Be, e.g., the 1% of business and congress and the sycophants/lobbyists around those, would continue their disconnect now so amply demonstrated in, e.g., primaries on both sides of some spectrum (both actually being far right, maybe?), to name just an acute symptom.

So, are there any anthropologists out there studying that odd primitive (here, without the ”…) tribe of white men (sometimes, very sometimes, caught in the body of technically a woman) and comparing the parallells with said sad Untergang des Maya-landes ..?

Even when I wouldn’t know what the results could be. Do count on the ‘Now is different’ error of which the size cannot be overestimated. But also, very maybe, detect the slightest of pointers towards betterment of current-day societies. And ways to make us see the latter their value, hopefully — hope being what’s left when arguments are lacking.

On the positive side:
[Similar not same: small-time onepercenterville now a tourist attraction (hotel); Gabbiano, Toscane]

Miss Quotes: Free Hegel

The quotes, of motivational nature or other, that you meet every time again — but aren’t, since they are garbled versions of the original. And the original had much more profound wisdom, or was even true where the misquote isn’t.

Yet another one in a series, a rather old one:
There’s nothing sure in life except death and taxes.

… …

For one, “The only thing you can be sure of, so the saying goes, are death and taxes — but don’t be too sure about death.” (Joseph Strout) — before but on the Kurzweillian strain of thought (more on that elsewhere on this blog) that ‘humans’ may leave their biological medium (‘substrate’) and live forever — probably on tape or 5″ floppy disks though that angle Ray discusses [satisfactory, for once] too. But whether Ray’s scenario turns out to be true (where would religion go …? Betraying his/his father’s roots?), or the Spinozaic or anthropomorphic deity would allow to be overruled in v1.1 of the Design, it would be short-sighted to take dying as inescapable.

For another, [skipping lazy evaluation of the And clause that would already render the quote a miss] David Graeber already proved that in the history of humanity, almost no-one ever paid taxes, the above is just an order by the receiving end put onto the paying end to suppress any even the slightest inkling of an idea for revolt. Whereas the Dutch started their war of independence officially because of an income tax levy of 10% — the outrage! and practice was ‘slightly’ different, very probably. So, no score here, either.


And the Hegel of the title: Search my earlier posts on that.
[This beauty however may not last forever ..? Bibliothèque Vanderbilt, Reims]

Top 10 things that interest you

Where the title is a total fake, just to get higher in the pop rankings. Of course. Because that’s what life is all about and a top five wouldn’t have done the trick.

Now then. On the subject of Roman decadence. Or not, because you’d not like discussions of US pre-elections in light of societal developments there. Still, the subject is interesting as it demonstrates again (after Argentina’s Peron age, and Italy’s age, and the dreadful general state of Duts politicks) that the ones aiming for democratic perfection, may by and large have arrived at the end game of the moral era. As in the link here and according the jeer of some ill-guided closed-minded utopian (isn’t he?) at the end regarding e.g., Greenpeace but of course taking not broad a scope enough.

To rest my case, The similarities are striking including the varying prolongment of the demise…

[Devil’s detail ..?]

Jobba… Niche or disruptor ..?

Was dealing with the other day. The site of which, well.., still has that β feel to it, which made me wonder: Is this the UX of a disruptor ..?
Since, ‘local’ recruiters seem to move back and forth on the margins they can rob off clients (either side), pointing at pendulums between monopolies (e.g., by having blanket contracts with buyers even when thaht defeats the purpose) and open competition (when the Professionals don’t even want to work with middle men b/c of lack of effectiveness).

And now, the same, but much lighter on the go-between parts and more transparent hence (sic) more efficient. Though maybe a slight bit less glitzy — but those are the characteristics of Disruptors, right ..? Yeah, causation can’t me mirrored (A Or Not B isn’t B Or Not A) but still.

Why am I tipping you on this as you might compete ..? B/c I don’t think your profile will be like mine; you might (big if) compete on the Want side but hardly on the Can side …

So I don’t care. And:
[Wouldn’t mind this as work location, either — minus the trampling tourists]

Plusquote: You’re not perfect

Even at the Computer History Museum most of the devices on display stopped functioning many years ago.
This time, not one of my own but quoted from Ray. Pointing out that it’s not that bad if you fail at having the perfect IT management (systems/operations) in the universe — even if you’d had forever you wouldn’t succeed so take it easy on the minor non-compliancies.

So, this in a series inspired by this here Expert, some more of my own (heh) personal ramblings which I would dare to call motivational soundbites but you would consider to be as typically as this sentence to be my interpretation of brief, not necessarily positively motivational but that’s (yes I do use abbreviations to shorten the sentence even further) because that remains your interpretation but that’s not necessarily the right one being the one I intended.

Capice? And:
[Once – not forever – the newest, carved in / out of stone; Reims]

New category: Miss Quotes

Quite literally, literally. The quotes, of motivational nature or other, that you meet every time again — but aren’t, since they are garbled versions of the original. And the original had much more profound wisdom, or was even true where the misquote isn’t.

Heard often, lately, lame defense for some that utter the most ridiculous lies:
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
(“Je désapprouve ce que vous dites, mais je défendrai à la mort votre droit à le dire”)

Which commonly is attributed to Voltaire (no surname needed), and refers to freedom of speech and democracy at large, even to the point of complete breakdown of ethics when falsely claiming Purple Hearts etc. But then, what Voltaire actually said was
Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too.
(Essay on Tolerance)

Which is something else entirely. E.g., it starts with ‘Think’ — that so many don’t do, most by not being able to. And, ‘for yourselves’ which has the element of ‘and keep the results to yourselves as well, no need to blabber and reveal your thinking was garbage’. And, it’s a privilege. Nowhere does it say that you have the right to disturb anyone’s peace with you failure of logic. See the above link on false claims, and also refer to current-day elections politics in some global backwater…

I’m off to some wine tasting (business, not volume..!), so I’ll leave you with:
[Remark-wise, related. At Condoníu]

Maverisk / Étoiles du Nord